tsaylor / Maker-Network

the maker network
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What's this?

This is web software for managing the relations between co-operative makers and their equipment and groups.


  • all the packages in requirements.pip
  • nginx (or your own server, if you'd like to use that instead)

Do Setup

Set up virtualenv using requirements.pip:

virtualenv ~/virtualenv_directory_wherever
source ~/virtualenv_directory_wherever/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.pip

Next, set up local_settings.py based on local_settings.py.example.

After doing this, if you're making a fresh database, you need to do (using your virtualenv, in the code directory):

python manage.py syncdb --all
python manage.py migrate --fake

If you are not doing a fresh install, please see the section After Update below rather than using the above commands.

Generate Scripts/Configs

  • configure some options... (see -h for what they are ahead of time, if you like)

Like so:


If that's not OK, use ./configure -h to determine what you need to do to change things. It's suggested to run with -d (working directory) set to something other than the current directory, to avoid cluttering the code dir. Next, configure the config files for nginx and the script for running uwsgi:



Once the setup is complete, run uwsgi and nginx, like so (you'll need these to stay running, but how you do that is up to you):


While using your virtualenv:



In the code directory:


After Update

Once you have a running install, and you get the latest, you'll of course want to do a make. This will make sure your scripts are up to date. You'll also need to update your Django database schemas. To do this, you'll want to run (using your virtualenv, which is of course updated/rebuilt if need be, right?)

python manage.py syncdb
python manage.py migrate