tsbreuer / IRCAutoHost

IRC Version of osu-auto-host. It will be usable by anyone and will host multiple lobbies.
10 stars 6 forks source link


Under development. If you see something wrong in the code, it's most likely intended and for showing/demostrating an idea.

Update #1: PircBot showed up to be unrealiable and unusable for this project. After this being the 3rd IRC API that fails to work with Bancho, I'll be writing my own IRC client connection for the bot, which will take more time. I've also got my last final tomorrow, so thats a reason for not working in the past week. Expect updates soon.

Update #2: After getting my own IRC working, I'm now mapping all IRC data and then I'm gonna work on the features AutoHost had.

Update #3: Bot is working reliably well now. Javaguru (Kabaru) will now do a code refactoring and small API for a web interface, at which point I'll finish fixing the last bugs and then set up the public usability.

Update #4: Bot is pretty much stable. A refactoring was fully made by Kieve. i'll start working on the TournamentAutoHost branch, purpose of which should be obvious.

Update #5: TournamentAutoHost never took off. Working on implementing both web interface for interacting with the bot, and also having the bot being able to just be an observer and give info instead of controlling the match.

Update #6: Uh.... I mean https://autohost.moe is a thing.. but... yeah...

This is a bot run only and only by me on the AutoHost account while the commands and usage will be public. This github is setup for the purpose of showing the code and to use as an example for other projects. Big shoutout and thanks for @ek and @ThePooN and the whole #programming channel from osu!soup Discord.

Also, Thanks to /u/Rivenation for prividing me with the random beatmap search from osusearch ;)