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Custom Show implementations and custom type construction operators #5

Open VonTum opened 4 years ago

VonTum commented 4 years ago

TmTypeApply (TmValue (TypeAbstraction (TmValue (Abstraction (TmValue (Abstraction (TmApply (TmVariable... can get a little difficult to debug

More symbolic representations can make reading and writing expressions much more intuitive eg the whole statement from above written symbolically is just (template ((t_ --> t_) /-> (t_v /-> (v_v <: v_))) <:: {Int})


At least conditional removal of the Show in deriving(Eq, Show), so that I may implement my own.

But perhaps further, adding an alias syntax to the grammar, and autogenerating Show implementations and Construction operators.

namespace VarValue: Term
sort Term
  inh ctx VarValue
  | TmVariable (x@ctx)
  | TmApply (t1: Term) (t2: Term) as "t1 <=: t2"
  | TmAbstraction (t: Term) [z: VarValue] as "z /-> t"

would generate

instance Show Term where
  show (TmVariable v) = "TmVariable " ++ show v
  show (TmApply t1 t2) = show t1 ++ " <=: " ++ show t2
  show (TmAbstraction v t) = show v ++ " /-> " ++ show t

(/->) :: Variable -> Term -> Term
var /-> term = TmAbstraction var term

(<=:) :: Term -> Term -> Term
func <=: arg = TmApply func arg