tschrijv / AutBound

Code voor Abstract Syntax Tree Code Generator for Haskell-based Com- and Transpilers
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AutBound: Code generator for abstract syntax trees

Generated data structures and functions

Data types



The executable can be used from the command line with the following arguments:


For example, if we want to generate a Haskell module called FCoBase from the FCo specification, using string-based variables, we would issue the command:

autbound "Specifications/FCo.txt" Haskell String FCoBase

This will generate the file FCoBase.hs in the current directory.

The following options are currently available:

Language descriptions

Language descriptions are simple text files. They consist of four different parts:

None of these sections are mandatory, but their order is fixed.

For examples of language descriptions, see the Specifications directory.

Import declarations

If your native code uses other modules, you can declare the import statements with the following syntax at the top of your language description:

import (MODULE_NAME) [ ( ENTITY [ ENTITY]* ) ]

Where the first parentheses contain the module name, and the optional second pair contains the specifically imported entities from the given module (separated by spaces). One line contains one module import.


import (Data.Map)
import (Data.List) (genericLength genericTake)

The Haskell implementation imports Data.List by default, because some of the generated functions use its functions.

Namespace declarations

A namespace declaration consists of the namespace's name and the associated sort name.



namespace TermVar: Term

Sort declarations

Sort declarations have the following structure:

Name, rewrite

sort SORTNAME [rewrite]

Declares a new sort. The optional rewrite keyword specifies whether the result of substitution functions for the given sort should be passed to an external rewrite function. The rewrite functions need to have the name rewriteSORTNAME and either be defined in the native code section or imported.

Context declarations

A sort can have multiple (or no) context attributes. These are declared after the sort name with the following syntax:


Where CTXTYPE can be inh for inherited and syn for synthesized contexts. CTXINSTANCE is the context instance's name, and NAMESPACENAME is the name of the namespace of the contained variables.


namespace TermVar: Term

sort Pat
    inh ictx TermVar
    syn sctx TermVar

Constructor declarations

Sorts can contain a number of constructor declarations. These follow the context declarations. A constructor declaration consists of a constructor name, parameter declarations, and context attribute assignments.

The parameter declarations can be of the following forms:

You can have zero or more parameters of each type, but the order of their declaration must correspond to the order in this list.


The final part of the constructor declaration is the context attribute assignments. Zero or more of them can follow the parameter list in new lines.


Where PARAM can be one of the constructor parameters or lhs which represents the constructor's context. You can optionally also append a parameter to the assigned context instance.


namespace TermVar: Term

sort Term
    inh ctx TermVar
    | TmAbs (x: Term) (t: Type) [z: TermVar]
        x.ctx = lhs.ctx, z

Relation declarations

The relation section starts with the Relations keyword. A relation complies with the following syntax:

Relation ::=                    relations:
        TypeSignature RelationBody+         typesignature and one or more relation bodies

TypeSignature ::=               typesignatures:
        N : Type -> RelationType            name, types of input parameters and kind of relation

Type ::=                    types:
        Empty                       empty type
        S -> Type                   sort followed by more types

RelationType ::=                types of relations:
        o                       clause type

RelationBody ::=                body of the relation:
        Judgement.                  judgement without conditions
        Judgement :- Judgement+.            judgement with one or more conditions

Judgement ::=                   judgements:
        N Argument*                 relation with its parameters

Argument ::=                    arguments:
        A                       metavariable
        C Argument*                 constructor sort with its parameters
        Argument[x -> Argument]             substitution

where N is the name of a relation, S is the name of an existing sort, C is a constructor of a sort, x is a variable name and A is a metavariable.

Example for the STLCProd specification:

 value : Term -> o
 value (Abs x t).

 opsem : Term -> Term -> o
 opsem (App T1 T2) (App T1' T2) :- opsem T1 T1'.
 opsem (App V T) (App V T') :- value V, opsem T T'.
 opsem (App (Abs x T1) V2) (T1[x -> V2]).

The example above declares two relations: value and opsem. value is a relation with one argument and no conditions. opsem is more complicated: it consists of three clauses inside the relation, the first two have conditions and the third contains a substitution as its second argument.

Native code

After the relation declarations you can include code written in the target language. This needs to be preceded by the NativeCode keyword. Everything after this keyword will be copied verbatim to the output module.

For example, if we want to generate a Haskell module, we can put the following in the language specification:

[import declarations...]
[namespace declarations...]
[sort declarations...]


rewriteCoercion :: Coercion -> Coercion
rewriteCoercion (CoTypeVar ty)    = rewriteTypeToCoercion ty
rewriteCoercion (CoArrow co1 co2) = CoArrow (rewriteCoercion co1) (rewriteCoercion co2)