tschrijv / AutBound

Code voor Abstract Syntax Tree Code Generator for Haskell-based Com- and Transpilers
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The boundVarFunctions does not always generate a recursive function #9

Closed LorenNuyts closed 4 years ago

LorenNuyts commented 4 years ago

The boundVarFunctions in String.hs does not always generate the correct recursive function. For example

namespace TermVar: Term

sort Term
    inh ctx TermVar
    | Var (x@ctx)
    | Lam (t: Term) [x: TermVar]
        t.ctx = lhs.ctx, x
    | App (t1: Term) (t2: Term)
    | Prod (t1: Term) (t2: Term)
    | Let (p: Pat) (t1: Term) (t2: Term)
        p.ictx = lhs.ctx
        t2.ctx = p.sctx

sort Pat
    inh ictx TermVar
    syn sctx TermVar
    | PVar [x: TermVar]
        lhs.sctx = lhs.ictx, x
    | PProd (p1: Pat) (p2: Pat)
        p1.ictx = lhs.ictx
        p2.ictx = p1.sctx
        lhs.sctx = p2.sctx

generates the following boundVar functions:

boundVariablesTerm c (Var var) = []
boundVariablesTerm c (Lam b t) = (nub (concat [c,[b],[]]))
boundVariablesTerm c (App t1 t2) = (nub (concat [c,[]]))
boundVariablesTerm c (Prod t1 t2) = (nub (concat [c,[]]))
boundVariablesTerm c (Let p t1 t2) = (nub (concat [c,[]]))

boundVariablesPat c (PVar b) = (nub (concat [c,[b],[]]))
boundVariablesPat c (PProd p1 p2) = (nub (concat [c,(boundVariablesPat (boundVariablesPat [] p1) p2)]))

boundVariablesTerm is not recursive while boundVariablesPat is, which results in different behaviour.