tscircuit / cli

Command line interface for developing circuits with tscircuit
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tsci - The TSCircuit Command Line & Development Tools

Command line tool for developing tscircuit projects and interacting with the tscircuit registry.


npm install -g @tscircuit/cli


The tsci CLI is interactive by default. You can specify the -y or any fully- qualified with all required arguments to skip the interactive mode.

# Interactively choose a command and options:

# Login
tsci login

# Create a Project
tsci init

# Develop a Project (preview, export, and edit circuit files in browser)
tsci dev

# Manage Dependencies
tsci install
tsci add some-package
tsci remove some-package

# Publish a Project
tsci publish


This project is developed with bun, make sure you have that installed.

Run bun install to install dependencies and bun cli/cli.ts to run test the cli in development, or bun run dev to run the dev server.

To run tests, run bun test

If you want to test developing, run bun dev and visit The project being loaded is inside example-project


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