tscircuit / kicad-converter

MIT License
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KiCad Converter

npm version

KiCad Converter is a TypeScript library that facilitates seamless conversion between KiCad file formats, JSON, and Circuit JSON

Table of Contents



Install KiCad Converter using npm:

npm install kicad-converter


Here's a basic example of how to use KiCad Converter:

import { convertKiCadPcbToCircuitJson, convertCircuitJsonToKiCadPcb, parseKiCadSch } from 'kicad-converter';

import kicadPcb from "./path/to/your/kicad_pcb_file.kicad_pcb" with { type: "text" }

// Convert KiCad PCB to Circuit JSON
const circuitJson = convertKiCadPcbToCircuitJson(kicadPcb);

// Convert Circuit JSON to KiCad PCB
const newKicadPcb = convertCircuitJsonToKiCadPcb(circuitJson);

API Reference

The library exposes several key functions:

Advanced Usage

Working with KiCad Project Files

import { parseKiCadPro } from 'kicad-converter';

const projectFile = // ... load your .kicad_pro file content
const parsedProject = parseKiCadPro(projectFile);


Type Checking with Zod

KiCad Converter uses Zod for robust type checking. You can leverage this in your own code:

import { KiCadPcbSchema } from "kicad-converter"

const validatedPcb = KiCadPcbSchema.parse(someData)
// If someData doesn't match the schema, this will throw an error


We welcome contributions to KiCad Converter! Please see our Contributing Guide for more details on how to get started.

To set up the development environment:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies: bun install
  3. Run tests: bun test test


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.