tsibg / react-background-remover

Image Background Remover built with ReactJS
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Image Background Remover

Removes background of the provided image. Works entirely on the client-side.

Built with ReactJS (JavaScript) and uses img.ly' background remover library: @imgly/background_remover

This project was made to check the implementation library.

NOTE: The static assets for the lib are now served from /public/static/model as this may improve loading time.

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  1. Install dependencies.

The lib's assets will be automatically copied into /public/static/model

npm install

  1. Start dev server

npm start

  1. Deploy

At deploy you can exclude the /public/static/model to skip shipping the lib's assets.

Already done in the .vercelignore for vercel deployments. Vercel runs the install procedure once deployed and the files are obtained and auto-copied in the needed dirs.


[11.3.2023] Update: Local assets are now obtained from the external package, provided by imgly's documentation and served locally. Compatible with @imgly/background_remover above v1.4.0

Still looking for better way to serve the assets for @imgly/background_remover. Currently, the whole module directory is copied in the public dir as the lack of convenient way to make otherwise. It is made on every install so it should be as bullet-proof as ugly solution..

Learn More

Create React App documentation. React documentation. IMG.LY Background Remover