tsorensen / DebtFreeLiving

Repository for our DGM 2015-2016 Senior Project.
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Debt Free Living

Repository for our DGM 2015-2016 Senior Project.

How to Run this Project Locally

  1. Fork the project to your GitHub account
  2. Clone the project to your local machine
  3. Install dependencies
    • Navigate in your console to the project directory on your local machine
    • Run npm install to install dependencies from package.json
    • Run bower install to install dependencies from bower.json
  4. Run gulp watch in your console to serve up the project on localhost:8000

Handling Version Control on this Project

Just a quick overview/cheatsheet on how we should handle the version control on this project.


You should now be set. You can make all the changes/additions you need to on your local copy. You can also update your local copy at anytime (if you see new commits come through on the main repo in Slack) by fetching the upstream (see below).

Committing Changes

When you're ready to commit changes, make sure to fetch the upstream first.

You should now be able to check your own repo on GitHub.com and see your commits there.

Merging to the Main Repository

After you have made all the changes/additions you want on a page or feature, submit them to be merged to the main repo.

Once the pull request is complete, I'll see it and merge it into the main repo master branch.