tsquillario / Jamstash

HTML5 Music Streamer for Subsonic
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Playlist Actions buttons improperly formatted #241

Closed mcleodd10 closed 6 years ago

mcleodd10 commented 7 years ago


As shown in the image the Playlist Actions buttons are mostly hidden when viewing playlists regardless of browser window width, The buttons for select all/none, and +queue/+playlist otherwise look normal when viewing artists or auto albums.

As an aside, is there an option, or is it possible to implement an option for selecting a range of tracks in the queue and browser? Cheers!

Hyzual commented 7 years ago

Yes indeed the last button is hidden most of the time. I don't know when I'll have time to work on this, but I think the Playlist UX in particular should be improved.

Just to be sure, do you mean "Is it possible to select from song A to D without clicking on each song A, B, C, D ?" If this is what you mean, I'm afraid it isn't possible. This should probably be improved as well

mcleodd10 commented 7 years ago

I was able to make a couple edits using the Stylish extension to narrow the buttons and change the margins a bit, probably not ideal but it works for now, here's the edits that you can paste into a new style:

.subactions { width: 600px; float: left; margin: 6px 0 0 0; } a.button { padding: 6px 5px; }

Which will give you this:


As far as item selection; yes, that was what I was referring to, being able to select just a chunk of a list, rather than selecting them individually or all/none. Thanks for taking a look, cheers.

Hyzual commented 7 years ago

Hey, sorry for the late reply :/. Thanks for posting the CSS. I'm setting up again a working dev environment to commit your code and push a new version. Couldn't finish today, but I'll get to it soon :).

Hyzual commented 7 years ago

I've pushed a commit with your changes included. Thanks ! @tsquillario it doesn't look like beta.jamstash.com has been updated, could you please take a look ? I thought that just pushing to develop would trigger the update. Let me know if I can help

tsquillario commented 7 years ago

Not sure why it isn't working. I'm pointing the domain to different hosting now. Then I'll test out the git hook again. I'll keep you posted...

Hyzual commented 7 years ago

Hey thanks for taking a look :) beta.jamstash.com is at the latest version. It seems there is a problem with the certificate for https though, maybe following the different hosting. When I visit with https I get this error (in google chrome) NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID

tsquillario commented 7 years ago

I did a manual git clone and copy the files over. I have to fix the git hook still. The new shared hosting is being a bit picky with the git command.