tsquillario / Jamstash

HTML5 Music Streamer for Subsonic
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Jamstash - HTML5 Music Streamer

Imagine you can stream all your music from home, to any device, where ever you are. That is Subsonic! Now imagine having a Web App to stream your music that is as beautiful and well designed as it is functional, that is Jamstash!



Please submit all bug reports & feature requests via the GitHub page https://github.com/tsquillario/Jamstash/issues

You will need a Subsonic server to be able to play your own music. Subsonic is a free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiquitous access to your music. Use it to share your music with friends, or to listen to your own music while at work. Please see http://www.subsonic.org


We don't collect any personal data and we don't want access to your data on all websites, we simply have to use that permission so developers can use the App on all urls.

License: GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) https://github.com/tsquillario/Jamstash/blob/master/gpl-2.0.txt


Help us improve Jamstash!

Setting up your environment

In order to build Jamstash, npm is required. For help installing npm, see https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm.

Once npm is installed, clone the project to your local machine using git.

Install the project's dependencies by running npm install && npx bower install.

Development and testing

To start a server that will continuously build and test your code as you work, run npx grunt serve. This will open up a browser window with the built app running in it, as well as a Chrome browser window that runs unit tests. Whenever you change a file, the application is rebuilt and unit tests are run. Stop the server with CTRL+C.

To generate test coverage reports, run npx grunt coverage. This will run unit tests as you work and generate a code coverage report. Stop it with CTRL+C.

To do a one-off build of the code, run npx grunt build. This will also minify the files for use in production. At this point, the files in dist/ can be served up via Apache, Nginx, or any other web server to provide access to the Jamstash application.

Version bumps and deployment to GitHub Pages

Typically these tasks will be done by a project maintainer.

Jamstash uses Semantic Versioning. The following commands can be used to increment the project version across package.json, bower.json, and manifest.json:

npx grunt bump:major
npx grunt bump:minor
npx grunt bump:patch

The public changelog is located in app/common/json_changelog.json. When bumping the version, make sure to add any notable user-facing changes in this file.

After bumping the version, modifying the changelog, and committing the updated files, use `git tag

` to tag the commit with the current version. Once this tag is pushed to GitHub, GitHub Actions should automatically build it, release it, and deploy it to the 'gh-pages' branch (which is served by GitHub Pages). If this automated process fails, or GitHub Actions is not available, updating the 'gh-pages' branch can be done locally. The `build-commit.sh` script has been provided to automate this process. Run `./build-commit.sh --help` for more information. An example of the entire release process: ``` # bump the version npx grunt bump:patch # note changes in the changelog vim app/common/json_changelog.json # commit the files git commit -am "Bump version to v1.2.3" # tag the commit git tag v1.2.3 # push the commit and tag to the repo git push origin master --tags ``` Extra steps required if not using GitHub Actions: ``` # update the gh-pages branch with the current release ./build-commit.sh v1.2.3 # push the newly-released version to GitHub Pages to deploy it git push origin gh-pages ```