Vulkan Rendering
Real-time rendering playground using C++ and Vulkan.
You can control camera with
- W/A/S/D: forward/left/backward/right
- E/Q: up/down
- mouse: direction
- right-click to enable/disable mouse control (disabled in default)
1. Create docker image
sh docker/
2. Shader compile
# to compile updated shaders only
sh sc
# to compile all shaders
sh sc-all
Compiled shaders are located in ./processed/spv/
3. Compile and Run
# compile
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
# run
or you can just use VSCode to launch.
- [x] Mouse control
- [x] Compute shader
- [x] Deferred rendering
- [x] Multi render targets
- [x] Lighting (Blinn Phong)
- [x] CookTorranceBRDF
- [x] Gamma correction
- [x] Use config file
- [x] Reflection
- [x] Shadow
- [x] Raytracing
- [ ] Cubemap
- [ ] Multi-threading
- [ ] Screen space ambient occlusion
- [ ] Transparent pass
- [ ] LOD
- [ ] Displacement mapping
- [ ] Mesh shader
- [ ] SPIRV-reflect
- [ ] Reconstruct world position from depth in compute shader