tt-acm / Spectacles.GrasshopperExporter

A Spectacles Exporter for Grasshopper
MIT License
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Mesh Colored Faces component error #21

Closed mnaugle-tt closed 9 years ago

mnaugle-tt commented 9 years ago

@anagpuyol --

Getting this error with the new test build of TT Toolbox: image

anagpuyol commented 9 years ago

@mnaugle-tt The component is working as expected. You have to provide one color per mesh face. Otherwise, you would use the regular Mesh Material (lambert, basic or phong)


anagpuyol commented 9 years ago

I can add a warning explaining the issue, that is for sure...

mnaugle-tt commented 9 years ago

Ah ok. This component should solve without a warning or error as I tried. The fix would fall under the Grasshopper Longest List rule. If one input receives a list longer than the other, use the last item in the shorter list for all remaining iterations.

anagpuyol commented 9 years ago


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