@mostaphaRoudsari told me the line component is a bummer. "why does the user need to mesh everything?!? Just convert it into the right kind of Three.js curve for them!".
He's right - we should be able to take any Grasshopper curve and create a three.js representation of it.
I have to look into the Three.Object loader a bit more to see what types it can load. Lines and meshes are certainly a go, but the curve selection looked somewhat limited at a glance. Same goes for curve materials - it would be awesome to be able to do dashes and linewieghts and everything, but right now it looks like the loader doesn't support that stuff.
More to follow after some research, just wanted to get this down.
@mostaphaRoudsari told me the line component is a bummer. "why does the user need to mesh everything?!? Just convert it into the right kind of Three.js curve for them!".
He's right - we should be able to take any Grasshopper curve and create a three.js representation of it.
I have to look into the Three.Object loader a bit more to see what types it can load. Lines and meshes are certainly a go, but the curve selection looked somewhat limited at a glance. Same goes for curve materials - it would be awesome to be able to do dashes and linewieghts and everything, but right now it looks like the loader doesn't support that stuff.
More to follow after some research, just wanted to get this down.