ttdatt / react-native-video-quickblox

Quickblox video calling React Native package
MIT License
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quickblox react-native video-call

react-native-video-quickblox npm version npm

Quickblox video call for React Native

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-video-quickblox --save or yarn add react-native-video-quickblox

Mostly automatic installation

$ react-native link react-native-video-quickblox

Configure Project


  1. Add Quickblox and Mantle Add a Podfile to your ios directory with the following content. Then run pod install and open the generated .xcworkspace from now on in xcode.
    source ''
    platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'YourProject' do pod 'Quickblox-WebRTC', '~> 2.6.1' pod 'QuickBlox', '~> 2.12' pod 'Mantle', '~> 2.1.0' end

2. Click on Project → Select Target of interest → Choose **Build Phases** tab → **Link Binary With Libraries** → At the bottom of this list hit + to add libraries.

Here is the list of required Apple library frameworks:

libicucore.dylib libc++.dylib libresolv.dylib libxml2.dylib libz.dylib CFNetwork.framework GLKit.framework MobileCoreServices.framework SystemConfiguration.framework VideoToolbox.framework Accelerate.framework

#### Android
* Copy folder [jniLibs]( in []( to your Android project

* Add **compile ''** in dependencies ```build.gradle```

## Usage
This [example]( is a little bit messy, but it can help you (I think)