ttdu / mast-blog

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Welcome to the MAST blog.

Additional documentation

Directory Structure

Directory structure of the blog. More information on what these folders and files do can be found in the Jekyll documentation site.

├── _includes                  # Theme includes
├── _layouts                   # Theme layouts (see below for details)
├── _posts                     # Where all your posts will go
├── assets                     # Style sheets and images are found here
|  ├── css                     # Style sheets go here
|  |  └── _sass                # Folder containing SCSS files
|  |  └── main.css             # Main SCSS file
|  |  └── highlighter          # Style sheet for code syntax highlighting
|  └── img                     #
|     └── posts                # Images go here
├── _pages                     # Website pages (that are not posts)
├── _config.yml                # Site settings
├── Gemfile                    # Ruby Gemfile for managing Jekyll plugins
├── index.html                 # Home page
├──                 # License for this theme
├──                  # Includes all of the documentation for this theme
├── feed.xml                   # Generates atom file which Jekyll points to
├── 404.html                   # custom and responsive 404 page
├── all-posts.json             # database of all posts used for infinite scroll
├── ipfs-404.html              # 404 page for IPFS
├── posts-by-tag.json          # database of posts by tag
├── robots.txt                 # SEO crawlers exclusion file
├── search.json                # database of posts used for search
└── sitemap.xml                # automatically generated sitemap for search engines


We thank Armando Maynez for sharing the website theme based on V1.0 by Artem Sheludko.