ttp2542 / GradingScripts

This repository contains the Python scripts used for grading in the SWEN-123 class at RIT.
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Welcome to the GradingScripts, home of all the scripts needed to grade the GCIS course sequence!

     Here is a brief guide for how to use the grading scripts for the GCIS course sequence. In this quick guide, I’ll be going over how to use these scripts, each of there purposes, and how to use them for the first time. If you’re not a CA for GCIS, please stop reading. Or don’t. Not like this will be a very entertaining read.

Setup Guide

If you are getting a config mismatch, make sure the file is formatted like this:


Organization: ORG-NAME
Save Classroom Roster: True
Classroom Roster Path: ABSOLUTE_PATH
Output Directory: ABSOLUTE_PATH
Get average lines per repo: False
Add timestamp to folder: True