ttskch / jekyll-ttskch-theme

A simple and customizable theme for Jekyll.
MIT License
33 stars 67 forks source link
jekyll jekyll-theme


A simple and customizable theme for Jekyll.

This theme was renamed from jekyll-qck-theme to jekyll-tch-theme at 2016.06.02.
And renamed again from jekyll-tch-theme to jekyll-ttskch-theme at 2016.09.23.

Screen shot



Getting started

  1. Fork me
  2. Rename the repository from jekyll-ttskch-theme to {username} (learn more)
  3. Modify _config.yml
  4. Modify _sass/base/_variables.scss if you need to change colors or font sizes
  5. Add new posts into _posts/ :smiley:


You can see live demo at below:

Thanks for using :wink:

Please PR if you want to add your blog.