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EV Investment Analysis
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EV Market Analysis in the U.S.

Authors: Tiana T., Daniel L., Drew P., Jason M., Joshua J., Matthew C., Tatiana S.

Please review our full analysis in our Code Folder as well as our presentation slides.


This project aims to explore the current state and potential growth of the electric vehicle (EV) market in the United States. Through data analytics, it focuses on two main objectives:

  1. Investment Trends in EVs: Analyzing the increasing investment in EVs within the U.S. and comparing the country's position globally.

  2. Identifying Key Regions for EV Charging Infrastructure: Pinpointing areas or regions in need of, or lacking, EV charging infrastructure for strategic investment decisions at the state and city levels.

Using data-driven analysis, this project seeks to provide actionable insights for stakeholders and investors in the evolving landscape of the U.S. EV market.

Project Objectives

  1. Assessing Investment Trends in EVs:
    • Investigate the investment trends in EVs within the U.S.
    • Compare the U.S. EV market with the global market to understand its standing and potential growth.
  2. Identifying Key Regions for EV Charging Infrastructure:
    • Determine areas or regions lacking adequate EV charging infrastructure or exhibiting high demand.
    • State-wise analysis:
      • Preferred State for Investment: Reasons and justifications.
      • State to Avoid for Investment: Reasons and justifications.
    • City-wise analysis:
      • Preferred City for Investment: Reasons and justifications.
      • City to Avoid for Investment: Reasons and justifications.
    • Consideration of Other Geographical Features impacting EV market growth.

Data Sources

The analysis in this project was conducted using a combination of datasets obtained from various sources, including those provided by our instructor and external sources:

  1. EV Registration Count by State: Dataset providing the count of registered electric vehicles per state.
  2. Alternative Fuel Stations: Data detailing the locations and information about alternative fuel stations.
  3. IEA Global EV 2030 Projections Data (2023): Dataset from the International Energy Agency (IEA) containing global projections for electric vehicles in 2030 as of 2023.
  4. Motor Vehicle Registration Counts by State: Dataset presenting the count of registered motor vehicles per state.
  5. State Populations: Data containing population statistics at the state level.
  6. City-Level Data: Dataset with specific information at the city level. Obtained from SimpleMaps.
  7. State-Level Data: Additional dataset offering comprehensive data at the state level.

The combination of these instructor-provided datasets and externally sourced data from SimpleMaps facilitated a comprehensive analysis of the EV market and charging infrastructure across various geographical levels within the United States.


Tools Used


These tools and methods were strategically employed to cleanse, merge, and analyze the datasets, enabling comprehensive insights into the EV market and charging infrastructure across various geographical levels within the United States.

Analysis and Findings

EV Sales Trends




State-Level Analysis

graph4 graph5

City-Level Analysis


These insights provide a comprehensive overview of the varying EV market and charging infrastructure scenarios across different states and cities in the US, guiding investment recommendations and highlighting areas with high demand and potential for improvement..


The analysis conducted on the EV market in the United States reveals dynamic trends and varying infrastructure scenarios across states and cities. While US EV sales are on the rise, the global market, particularly led by China, is growing at a faster pace. California emerges as a frontrunner with the highest EVs per vehicle registered, indicating its strong market penetration. However, disparities exist in charging infrastructure, with New Jersey having the fewest charging stations per EV and North Dakota presenting a different dynamic, making it advisable to avoid investment.


These next steps aim to further optimize the EV market infrastructure by tailoring charging station types and developing pricing structures that align with consumer needs while ensuring economic viability for stakeholders.

For More Information

Please review our full analysis in our Code Folder as well as our presentation slides.

Repository Structure

├── Code
│   ├── EV Charging Station Investment.twbx
│   ├── EV_project_class.ipynb
│   ├── IEA_Global_EV_2030_Projections_Data_2023_Question_1.xlsx
│   ├── Ratio_Totals.csv
│   └── Ratios_and_Populations.xlsx
├── Data
├── Images
└── Savvy Coders Class Project December 2023.pptx