tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg / hector_tracker_install

Basic install setup for hector tracker workspace
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Basic install setup for hector tracker workspace


A Ubuntu 14.04/AMD64/Indigo setup is supported for this installation. To install ROS, follow the instructions here: http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Installation/Ubuntu

Gazebo needs to be installed if you want to run simulation. If unsure, run

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-gazebo-ros-control ros-indigo-gazebo-plugins

Make sure you have no other catkin workspace sourced (i.e. env | grep ROS should not return anything).

git clone https://github.com/tu-darmstadt-ros-pkg/hector_tracker_install.git
cd hector_tracker_install

Optional Installs

There are some components that can be installed optionally. These are detailed below


For installing all packages required for gazebo-based simulation run:

wstool merge optional_installs/gazebo_sim.rosinstall


To install ethzasl_icp_mapping, use the corresponding rosinstall file:

wstool merge optional_installs/icp_mapping.rosinstall


To install GUI packages, use

wstool merge optional_installs/gui.rosinstall

Updating and Building

This install script installs dependencies, adds all repos to the workspace and builds the workspace contents. These steps can also be performed separately:

Basic Testing

Open new terminal, run a core:


Start a simulation scenario

roslaunch hector_nist_arena_worlds rc_2016_man5.launch

Spawn the robot:

roslaunch hector_tracker_sim_launch spawn_tracker_with_ground_truth.launch