tuckerhallie / bangazon-hip-hop-pizza-and-wangs-docs

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Welcome to Bangazon!

Hello there, Engineer! We're thrilled to have you on board for this exciting project. As you know, Bangazon is a leading consultant company, and we've been entrusted with a fantastic opportunity to build a Point of Sale (POS) system for Hip Hop, Pizza, and Wangs. Let's dive into the details!

Project Description

Hip Hop, Pizza, and Wangs is a beloved community restaurant that embodies the fusion of music and food. They've been serving the community for over 30 years, and now they're looking to modernize their operations with a POS system. Our goal is to deliver a system that not only meets their current needs but also scales for the future.

Project Planning

Before we delve into the tasks, let's get a glimpse of our discussions with the client. These notes will give you a clear understanding of their vision and expectations.


Our primary objective is to deliver a Minimum Viable Product that addresses the core needs of the client. This phase focuses on user authentication, order management, and basic functionalities to streamline their operations.

Client Meeting Notes: MVP Client Meeting Notes

Ticket Descriptions: MVP Ticket Descriptions

Stretch Goal 1: Filtering the Data Building upon our MVP, this phase aims to enhance data organization and accessibility. We'll introduce features that allow users to filter and search orders, enhancing the user experience. **Client Meeting Notes**: [Stretch 1 Client Meeting Notes](./documentation/stretch-1/client-feature-requirements.md) **Ticket Descriptions**: [Stretch 1 Ticket Descriptions](./documentation/stretch-1/tickets.md)
Stretch Goal 2: Dealing with Change As the client's business evolves, so should our application. This phase focuses on introducing online ordering capabilities and refining the menu management system. **Client Meeting Notes**: [Stretch 2 Client Meeting Notes](./documentation/stretch-2/client-feature-requirements.md) **Ticket Descriptions**: [Stretch 2 Ticket Descriptions](./documentation/stretch-2/tickets.md)
Stretch Goal 3: Play that Funky Music Embracing the cultural essence of **Hip Hop, Pizza, and Wangs**, this phase introduces features to promote hip-hop culture, including talent booking and event management. **Client Meeting Notes**: [Stretch 3 Client Meeting Notes](./documentation/stretch-3/client-feature-requirements.md) **Ticket Descriptions**: [Stretch 3 Ticket Descriptions](./documentation/stretch-3/tickets.md)

Planning and Implementation Guidelines

While we trust your expertise and creativity, we've outlined some guidelines to ensure the project aligns with the client's vision:

Planning Process Tracking

The Senior Engineer has created a set of tickets to help you track your progress and ensure a systematic approach to the planning tasks. These tickets are designed to guide you through the essential steps of the planning process and provide checklists for tracking subtasks within each item.

To facilitate an organized workflow, it is recommended to follow the suggested order when completing the tickets:

  1. Create Project Board
  2. Define MVP Features
  3. Write ERD
  4. Create Wireframe
  5. Create Presentation
  6. Submit Proposal Links
  7. Conduct Proposal Approval Meeting
  8. MVP Approval Checklist

Support and Mentorship

Remember, you're not alone on this journey! The Bangazon team is here to support you. Whether you need technical guidance, mentorship, or just someone to brainstorm with, we've got your back. Throughout the project, our dedicated team of senior engineers will provide guidance and support.

Let's Build Something Great!

We're on the brink of creating something truly special for Hip Hop, Pizza, and Wangs. Let's bring our best to the table and deliver an exceptional POS system that they'll cherish for years to come!