tudelft / UnifiedOptitrackClients

Goal: one codebase to stream optitrack to all autopilots used in the MAVLab
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Currently supported clients:

Client Means of Publishing Launch Command (Example)
console Only to the terminal (if activated) mocap2console -c NED
ivy For the Ivy client mocap2ivy -s 123
udp Data as a UDP stream mocap2udp -i -p 25
log Data directly dumped into a file mocap2log -n myfile.csv
ROS2 On two ros2 topics /mocap/pose and /mocap/twist mocap2ros2 --publish_topic UAV
ROS2PX4 As above + the published on the required PX4 topic /fmu/in/vehicle_visual_odometry mocap2ros2px4 -f 120

Currently supported platforms:

Ubuntu >= 22.04 on x86

Building natively

Build all with:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make

Build only some with (for example):

mkdir build && cd build
cmake -D'CLIENTS=console;ivy;ros2;ros2px4' .. && make


Prerequisites vary per client. Currently, these are known:

Client Known Prerequisites
all libboost-all-dev installed with apt
ivy ivy-c-dev installed from ppa:paparazzi-uav/ppa
ros2 ros-humble-base, needs to be sourced for compilation
ros2px4 As above + px4_msgs must be sourced to run (execute . scripts/source_ros_and_msgs.sh)

Build using Docker

Each client has its own dockerfile to make compilation across platforms easier. For this first install docker as is explained on the official website.

Then you can build your docker image using e.g.,

docker build -t consoleclient . -f ./dockerfiles/console.dockerfile 

Where -t defines the name of the docker image and -f defines the file path to the dockerfile. Afterward, you can run the docker image with:

docker run -it --rm --net host consoleclient cmdline args of your choice

When running the logging client with docker you have to mount a volume such that the written file will persist on the host machine. The client expects the volume to be mounted under /data, i.e. the command would be something like to save the data in the current directory:

docker run -it --net=host -v ./:/data logclient -s 1 -o data.csv

How to write your own client?

To write your own client it has to inheret from the base class UnifiedMocapClient defined in unified_mocap_client.hpp and needs to implement the

void publish_data()

function. It can also implement

void add_extra_po(boost::program_options::options_description &desc)
void parse_extra_po(const boost::program_options::variables_map &vm)

Afterward, the client needs to be added to the CMakeList.txt file and added to the main executable main.cpp using compile options. A simple example of how to do this is the ConsoleClient defined in clients/console_client.hpp.