tue-robotics / tue_robocup

RoboCup challenge implementations
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Robocup 2022: Take out the garbage #1175

Open PetervDooren opened 2 years ago

PetervDooren commented 2 years ago

Current state:


P-ict0 commented 2 years ago

Current state:

Robot correctly drives and positions itself in front of the first trashbin, attempt to grab the trash, lifts it and force drives backwards (hardcoded). Drives to the drop off area and crashes


JosjaG commented 2 years ago

I just did a complete successful run of the challenge, so the main flow of the challenge is working!! :partying_face:

P-ict0 commented 2 years ago

Just realized the radius parameter in control_to_trash_bin.py (also called in pick_up.py) is irrelevant since in state "GO_BIN" we tell hero to go in front of the trash can.

We either have to change "GO_BIN" to be able to chose what distance should hero position itself to the trash can, or rewrite control_to_trash_bin.py with the default distance hero positions itself when NavigateToSymbolic(...) is called

edit: I have some ideas but I don't know how to start putting them in place by myself. I suggest talking about it next team evening to find a solution and to nudge me in the right direction for the first steps

MatthijsBurgh commented 2 years ago

force_drive is broken in combination with this challenge. @P-ict0 is taking a look before next dev evening.

PetervDooren commented 2 years ago

Some shortcomings of the current implementation: Lots of magic numbers to determine the pose of the robot with respect to the trashbin. I think we can do better than this. It would also lower tuning time when adjusting to a new bin. Trashbin size was incorrect in the worldmodel https://github.com/tue-robotics/ed_object_models/pull/100 should fix this Currently the arm moves down until it feels a force or it reaches a timeout. We can also make it so that we can adjust the distance at which we close the gripper anyway.