tue-robotics / tue_robocup

RoboCup challenge implementations
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Storing groceries update BUG #1348

Closed iasonth95 closed 4 months ago

iasonth95 commented 4 months ago

I have an issue. After opening the CABINET DOOR on storing groceries challenge we do a new GET_PLAN:

[INFO] [1714730672.028103, 153.873000]: State machine starting in initial state 'GET_PLAN' with userdata: 

But an error is happening:

[ERROR] [1714730672.753292928, 154.239000000]: There is no goal which meets the given constraints. Planning will always fail to this goal constraint. 

[ERROR] [1714730672.754445734, 154.239000000]: Received position constraint: frame: map
constraint: ((((-(x-2.107000)*0.000000+(y-0.567000)*-0.450000 > 0 and -(x-1.657000)*-0.200000+(y-0.567000)*0.000000 > 0 and -(x-1.657000)*0.000000+(y-0.367000)*0.450000 > 0 and -(x-2.107000)*0.200000+(y-0.367000)*0.000000 > 0)))) and ((((-(x-7.070000)*0.000000+(y-2.400000)*-4.070000 > 0 and -(x-3.300000)*-2.700000+(y-2.700000)*0.000000 > 0 and -(x-3.000000)*0.000000+(y-0.300000)*4.070000 > 0 and -(x-6.770000)*2.700000+(y-0.000000)*0.000000 > 0))))
[ERROR] [1714730672.766033, 154.248000]: Global planner couldn't plan a path to the specified constraints. Are the constraints you specified valid?: [frame: "map"
constraint: "((((-(x-2.107000)*0.000000+(y-0.567000)*-0.450000 > 0 and -(x-1.657000)*-0.200000+(y-0.567000)*0.000000\
  \ > 0 and -(x-1.657000)*0.000000+(y-0.367000)*0.450000 > 0 and -(x-2.107000)*0.200000+(y-0.367000)*0.000000\
  \ > 0)))) and ((((-(x-7.070000)*0.000000+(y-2.400000)*-4.070000 > 0 and -(x-3.300000)*-2.700000+(y-2.700000)*0.000000\
  \ > 0 and -(x-3.000000)*0.000000+(y-0.300000)*4.070000 > 0 and -(x-6.770000)*2.700000+(y-0.000000)*0.000000\
  \ > 0))))"] 

Apparently the position that we are giving to the robot is not accessible since it does not fall into the constraints, but i cannot solve this issue so i would like some help for that.

MatthijsBurgh commented 4 months ago

Probably the hardcoded positions tuned for another situation don't work in this case. Your job to fix it.

P.S. this a PR, not an issue. And the fixes by me are not related to the issue, you are describing.

MatthijsBurgh commented 4 months ago

I think the commits are still relevant, aren't they?

iasonth95 commented 3 months ago

Indeed they are but i will create a new PR when all functionality is working