amigo@amigo2 $ amigo-challenge-spr
... logging to /home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/roslaunch-amigo2-18128.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
core service [/rosout] found
process[amigo/local_planner-1]: started with pid [18137]
process[amigo/global_planner-2]: started with pid [18138]
process[amigo/ed-3]: started with pid [18143]
process[amigo/ed_configure-4]: started with pid [18149]
process[amigo/face_recognition/face_recognition-5]: started with pid [18151]
process[amigo/object_recognition/object_recognition-6]: started with pid [18152]
process[skybiometry_face_properties-7]: started with pid [18156]
process[state_machine-8]: started with pid [18159]
[amigo/ed_configure-4] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/amigo-ed_configure-4.log
[ERROR] [1497368018.442942]: /amigo/person_detection/detect_persons not connected timely
[INFO] [1497368018.895125]: Using robot 'amigo'.
... logging to /home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/roslaunch-amigo2-18159.log
started roslaunch server http://amigo2:44215/
remoteamigo1-0 starting roslaunch
remoteamigo1-0: creating ssh connection to amigo1:22, user[amigo]
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Cipher/ FutureWarning: CTR mode needs counter parameter, not IV
self._cipher =, args, **kwargs)
launching remote roslaunch child with command: [env ROS_MASTER_URI=http://amigo1:11311 /home/amigo/ roslaunch -c amigo1-0 -u http://amigo2:44215/ --run_id f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c]
remoteamigo1-0: ssh connection created
amigo1-0: process[amigo/hmi/hmi_logger-1]: started with pid 23682: process[amigo/record/audio_capture-2]: started with pid 23683: process[amigo/record_throttle_tf-3]: started with pid 23684: process[amigo/record_throttle_ed_map-4]: started with pid 23694: process[amigo/record_throttle_gmapping_map-5]: started with pid 23727: process[amigo/record_relay_base_plan-6]: started with pid 23749: process[amigo/record_relay_body_plan-7]: started with pid 23778: process[amigo/record_throttle_odom-8]: started with pid 23790: process[amigo/record_throttle_base_laser-9]: started with pid 23807: process[amigo/robcup_recorder-10]: started with pid 23825: ... done launching nodes
[INFO] [1497368021.634028]: State machine starting in initial state 'INITIALIZE' with userdata:
[INFO] [1497368021.872431]: TF link between /map and /base_link is checked. If it takes longer than a second, probably an error. Do a restart!!!
[INFO] [1497368021.908909]: State machine transitioning 'INITIALIZE':'initialized'-->'ANNOUNCEMENT'
[INFO] [1497368021.909245]: 'I want to play a riddle game'
[INFO] [1497368027.073281]: State machine transitioning 'ANNOUNCEMENT':'spoken'-->'WAIT'
[INFO] [1497368037.186558]: State machine transitioning 'WAIT':'waited'-->'TURN'
Turning 3.141593 radians with force drive at 1.000000 rad/s
[ERROR] [1497368037.186763]: Called get_state when no goal is running
[INFO] [1497368040.396118]: State machine transitioning 'TURN':'turned'-->'DETECT_CROWD'
[INFO] [1497368040.396386]: 'You are all looking great today! Keep looking in my camera!'
[INFO] [1497368042.228275]: lazy subscribe to /amigo/top_kinect/rgb/image
[INFO] [1497368042.228512]: getting one image...
[INFO] [1497368042.397566]: got 3932160 bytes of image data
[INFO] [1497368043.551248]: Faces: []
[INFO] [1497368043.557736]: 'I like it when everybody is staring at me; being in the center of attention!'
[INFO] [1497368045.006407]: getting one image...
[INFO] [1497368045.120146]: got 3932160 bytes of image data
[INFO] [1497368046.238554]: Faces: []
[INFO] [1497368046.239918]: 'You are all looking great today! Keep looking in my camera!'
[INFO] [1497368047.682537]: getting one image...
[INFO] [1497368047.746183]: got 3932160 bytes of image data
[INFO] [1497368048.908287]: Faces: [RecognizedFace(roi=(685, 530, 89, 102), l2_distances=[])]
[INFO] [1497368048.911917]: Calling Skybiometry...
gender: 0
age: 36
[INFO] [1497368052.266395]: 'There are 1 males and 0 females in the crowd'
[INFO] [1497368056.216308]: State machine transitioning 'DETECT_CROWD':'succeeded'-->'REQUEST_OPERATOR'
[INFO] [1497368056.216545]: 'Who wants to play riddles with me?'
[INFO] [1497368058.203196]: State machine transitioning 'REQUEST_OPERATOR':'spoken'-->'WAIT_FOR_OPERATOR'
WaitForDesignator: waiting 0/3
[ERROR] [1497368058.214966]: No entities found in
center_point = [ 0, 0, 0] @ /map
center_point_designator = None
criteriafuncs = []
debug = False
ed = <robot_skills.world_model_ed.ED object at 0x7f22dde55c90>
id =
id_designator = None
lockable = <bound method EdEntityDesignator.lockable of Designator(resolve_type=<class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'>, name=None)>
name = None
radius = 0
resolve_type = <class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'>
robot = <robot_skills.amigo.Amigo object at 0x7f22de0926d0>
type = human
type_designator = None
weight_function = <function at 0x7f22ddab6500>)
WaitForDesignator: waiting 1/3
[ERROR] [1497368059.228135]: No entities found in
center_point = [ 0, 0, 0] @ /map
center_point_designator = None
criteriafuncs = []
debug = False
ed = <robot_skills.world_model_ed.ED object at 0x7f22dde55c90>
id =
id_designator = None
lockable = <bound method EdEntityDesignator.lockable of Designator(resolve_type=<class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'>, name=None)>
name = None
radius = 0
resolve_type = <class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'>
robot = <robot_skills.amigo.Amigo object at 0x7f22de0926d0>
type = human
type_designator = None
weight_function = <function at 0x7f22ddab6500>)
WaitForDesignator: waiting 2/3
[ERROR] [1497368060.242951]: No entities found in
center_point = [ 0, 0, 0] @ /map
center_point_designator = None
criteriafuncs = []
debug = False
ed = <robot_skills.world_model_ed.ED object at 0x7f22dde55c90>
id =
id_designator = None
lockable = <bound method EdEntityDesignator.lockable of Designator(resolve_type=<class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'>, name=None)>
name = None
radius = 0
resolve_type = <class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'>
robot = <robot_skills.amigo.Amigo object at 0x7f22de0926d0>
type = human
type_designator = None
weight_function = <function at 0x7f22ddab6500>)
[ERROR] [1497368061.259268]: InvalidUserCodeError: Could not execute state 'RIDDLE_GAME_1' of type '<challenge_spr_states.riddle_game.HearQuestion object at 0x7f22dda4ee50>': Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/smach/src/smach/", line 247, in _update_once
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 180, in execute
res = hear(self.robot, time_out=self.timeout)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 20, in hear
return robot.hmi.query('Question?', knowledge.grammar, 'T', timeout=time_out)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/robot_skills/src/robot_skills/", line 20, in query
return self._client.query(description, grammar, target, timeout)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 103, in query
answer = self._wait_for_result_and_get(timeout=timeout)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 58, in _wait_for_result_and_get
execute_timeout = rospy.Duration(timeout) if timeout else rospy.Duration(10)
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 90, in init
super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs)
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 299, in init
super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs)
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 73, in init
secs = int(float_secs)
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Duration'
[ERROR] [1497368061.259482]: Robot exited with <class 'smach.exceptions.InvalidUserCodeError'>,Could not execute state 'RIDDLE_GAME_1' of type '<challenge_spr_states.riddle_game.HearQuestion object at 0x7f22dda4ee50>': Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/smach/src/smach/", line 247, in _update_once
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 180, in execute
res = hear(self.robot, time_out=self.timeout)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 20, in hear
return robot.hmi.query('Question?', knowledge.grammar, 'T', timeout=time_out)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/robot_skills/src/robot_skills/", line 20, in query
return self._client.query(description, grammar, target, timeout)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 103, in query
answer = self._wait_for_result_and_get(timeout=timeout)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 58, in _wait_for_result_and_get
execute_timeout = rospy.Duration(timeout) if timeout else rospy.Duration(10)
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 90, in init
super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs)
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 299, in init
super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs)
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 73, in init
secs = int(float_secs)
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Duration'
,<traceback object at 0x7f22dda650e0>
[INFO] [1497368061.259723]: Torso cancelling all goals on close
[INFO] [1497368061.259962]: left arm cancelling all goals on all arm-related ACs on close
[INFO] [1497368061.260448]: right arm cancelling all goals on all arm-related ACs on close
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/challenge_spr/src/", line 207, in
startup(ChallengeSpeechPersonRecognition, challenge_name="challenge_spr")
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/robot_smach_states/src/robot_smach_states/util/", line 81, in startup
outcome = executioner.execute()
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/smach/src/smach/", line 359, in execute
container_outcome = self._update_once()
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/smach/src/smach/", line 254, in _update_once
smach.exceptions.InvalidUserCodeError: Could not execute state 'RIDDLE_GAME_1' of type '<challenge_spr_states.riddle_game.HearQuestion object at 0x7f22dda4ee50>': Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/smach/src/smach/", line 247, in _update_once
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 180, in execute
res = hear(self.robot, time_out=self.timeout)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 20, in hear
return robot.hmi.query('Question?', knowledge.grammar, 'T', timeout=time_out)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/robot_skills/src/robot_skills/", line 20, in query
return self._client.query(description, grammar, target, timeout)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 103, in query
answer = self._wait_for_result_and_get(timeout=timeout)
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 58, in _wait_for_result_and_get
execute_timeout = rospy.Duration(timeout) if timeout else rospy.Duration(10)
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 90, in init
super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs)
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 299, in init
super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs)
File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 73, in init
secs = int(float_secs)
TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Duration'
remoteamigo1-0: bash: cannot set terminal process group (23529): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
amigo1-0 killing on exit
amigo1-0: [amigo/robcup_recorder-10] killing on exit
amigo1-0: [amigo/record_relay_body_plan-7] killing on exit
amigo1-0: [amigo/record_throttle_base_laser-9] killing on exit
amigo1-0: [amigo/record_throttle_tf-3] killing on exit
amigo1-0: [amigo/record/audio_capture-2] killing on exit
amigo1-0: [amigo/record_throttle_ed_map-4] killing on exit
================================================================================REQUIRED process [state_machine-8] has died!
process has died [pid 18159, exit code 1, cmd /home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/challenge_spr/src/ amigo __name:=state_machine __log:=/home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/state_machine-8.log].
log file: /home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/state_machine-8*.log
Initiating shutdown!
[state_machine-8] killing on exit
[skybiometry_face_properties-7] killing on exit
[amigo/object_recognition/object_recognition-6] killing on exit
[amigo/face_recognition/face_recognition-5] killing on exit
[amigo/ed-3] killing on exit
[amigo/global_planner-2] killing on exit
[amigo/local_planner-1] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
amigo@amigo2 $ amigo-challenge-spr ... logging to /home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/roslaunch-amigo2-18128.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://amigo2:39176/
NODES /amigo/object_recognition/ object_recognition (tensorflow_ros/object_recognition_node) /amigo/ ed (ed/ed) ed_configure (ed/configure) global_planner (cb_base_navigation/cb_base_navigation_global_planner_interface) local_planner (cb_base_navigation/cb_base_navigation_local_planner_interface) / skybiometry_face_properties (skybiometry_ros/face_properties_node) state_machine (challenge_spr/ /amigo/face_recognition/ face_recognition (openface_ros/face_recognition_node)
core service [/rosout] found process[amigo/local_planner-1]: started with pid [18137] process[amigo/global_planner-2]: started with pid [18138] process[amigo/ed-3]: started with pid [18143] process[amigo/ed_configure-4]: started with pid [18149] process[amigo/face_recognition/face_recognition-5]: started with pid [18151] process[amigo/object_recognition/object_recognition-6]: started with pid [18152] process[skybiometry_face_properties-7]: started with pid [18156] process[state_machine-8]: started with pid [18159] [amigo/ed_configure-4] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/amigo-ed_configure-4.log [ERROR] [1497368018.442942]: /amigo/person_detection/detect_persons not connected timely [INFO] [1497368018.895125]: Using robot 'amigo'. ... logging to /home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/roslaunch-amigo2-18159.log started roslaunch server http://amigo2:44215/ remoteamigo1-0 starting roslaunch remoteamigo1-0: creating ssh connection to amigo1:22, user[amigo] /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Crypto/Cipher/ FutureWarning: CTR mode needs counter parameter, not IV self._cipher =, args, **kwargs) launching remote roslaunch child with command: [env ROS_MASTER_URI=http://amigo1:11311 /home/amigo/ roslaunch -c amigo1-0 -u http://amigo2:44215/ --run_id f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c] remoteamigo1-0: ssh connection created
NODES /amigo/record/ audio_capture (audio_capture/audio_capture) /amigo/ record_relay_base_plan (topic_tools/relay) record_relay_body_plan (topic_tools/relay) record_throttle_base_laser (topic_tools/throttle) record_throttle_ed_map (topic_tools/throttle) record_throttle_gmapping_map (topic_tools/throttle) record_throttle_odom (topic_tools/throttle) record_throttle_tf (topic_tools/throttle) robcup_recorder (rosbag/record) /amigo/hmi/ hmi_logger (test_tools/
ROS_MASTER_URI=http://amigo1:11311 core service [/rosout] found amigo1-0: launching nodes...
amigo1-0: process[amigo/hmi/hmi_logger-1]: started with pid 23682: process[amigo/record/audio_capture-2]: started with pid 23683: process[amigo/record_throttle_tf-3]: started with pid 23684: process[amigo/record_throttle_ed_map-4]: started with pid 23694: process[amigo/record_throttle_gmapping_map-5]: started with pid 23727: process[amigo/record_relay_base_plan-6]: started with pid 23749: process[amigo/record_relay_body_plan-7]: started with pid 23778: process[amigo/record_throttle_odom-8]: started with pid 23790: process[amigo/record_throttle_base_laser-9]: started with pid 23807: process[amigo/robcup_recorder-10]: started with pid 23825: ... done launching nodes [INFO] [1497368021.634028]: State machine starting in initial state 'INITIALIZE' with userdata: [] [INFO] [1497368021.872431]: TF link between /map and /base_link is checked. If it takes longer than a second, probably an error. Do a restart!!! [INFO] [1497368021.908909]: State machine transitioning 'INITIALIZE':'initialized'-->'ANNOUNCEMENT' [INFO] [1497368021.909245]: 'I want to play a riddle game' [INFO] [1497368027.073281]: State machine transitioning 'ANNOUNCEMENT':'spoken'-->'WAIT' [INFO] [1497368037.186558]: State machine transitioning 'WAIT':'waited'-->'TURN' Turning 3.141593 radians with force drive at 1.000000 rad/s [ERROR] [1497368037.186763]: Called get_state when no goal is running [INFO] [1497368040.396118]: State machine transitioning 'TURN':'turned'-->'DETECT_CROWD' [INFO] [1497368040.396386]: 'You are all looking great today! Keep looking in my camera!' [INFO] [1497368042.228275]: lazy subscribe to /amigo/top_kinect/rgb/image [INFO] [1497368042.228512]: getting one image... [INFO] [1497368042.397566]: got 3932160 bytes of image data [INFO] [1497368043.551248]: Faces: [] [INFO] [1497368043.557736]: 'I like it when everybody is staring at me; being in the center of attention!' [INFO] [1497368045.006407]: getting one image... [INFO] [1497368045.120146]: got 3932160 bytes of image data [INFO] [1497368046.238554]: Faces: [] [INFO] [1497368046.239918]: 'You are all looking great today! Keep looking in my camera!' [INFO] [1497368047.682537]: getting one image... [INFO] [1497368047.746183]: got 3932160 bytes of image data [INFO] [1497368048.908287]: Faces: [RecognizedFace(roi=(685, 530, 89, 102), l2_distances=[])] [INFO] [1497368048.911917]: Calling Skybiometry...
Designator( center_point = [ 0, 0, 0] @ /map center_point_designator = None criteriafuncs = [] debug = False ed = <robot_skills.world_model_ed.ED object at 0x7f22dde55c90> id = id_designator = None lockable = <bound method EdEntityDesignator.lockable of Designator(resolve_type=<class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'>, name=None)> name = None radius = 0 resolve_type = <class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'> robot = <robot_skills.amigo.Amigo object at 0x7f22de0926d0> type = human type_designator = None weight_function = <function at 0x7f22ddab6500>)
WaitForDesignator: waiting 1/3 [ERROR] [1497368059.228135]: No entities found in
Designator( center_point = [ 0, 0, 0] @ /map center_point_designator = None criteriafuncs = [] debug = False ed = <robot_skills.world_model_ed.ED object at 0x7f22dde55c90> id = id_designator = None lockable = <bound method EdEntityDesignator.lockable of Designator(resolve_type=<class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'>, name=None)> name = None radius = 0 resolve_type = <class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'> robot = <robot_skills.amigo.Amigo object at 0x7f22de0926d0> type = human type_designator = None weight_function = <function at 0x7f22ddab6500>)
WaitForDesignator: waiting 2/3 [ERROR] [1497368060.242951]: No entities found in
Designator( center_point = [ 0, 0, 0] @ /map center_point_designator = None criteriafuncs = [] debug = False ed = <robot_skills.world_model_ed.ED object at 0x7f22dde55c90> id = id_designator = None lockable = <bound method EdEntityDesignator.lockable of Designator(resolve_type=<class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'>, name=None)> name = None radius = 0 resolve_type = <class 'robot_skills.util.entity.Entity'> robot = <robot_skills.amigo.Amigo object at 0x7f22de0926d0> type = human type_designator = None weight_function = <function at 0x7f22ddab6500>)
[INFO] [1497368061.244254]: State machine transitioning 'WAIT_FOR_OPERATOR':'failed'-->'RIDDLE_GAME_1' [INFO] [1497368061.244916]: Question: Question?, grammar: T[{actions :}] -> C[A1]
C[{A}] -> Q[A]
V_GUIDE -> guide | escort | ..
[ERROR] [1497368061.259268]: InvalidUserCodeError: Could not execute state 'RIDDLE_GAME_1' of type '<challenge_spr_states.riddle_game.HearQuestion object at 0x7f22dda4ee50>': Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/smach/src/smach/", line 247, in _update_once self._remappings[self._currentlabel])) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 180, in execute res = hear(self.robot, time_out=self.timeout) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 20, in hear return robot.hmi.query('Question?', knowledge.grammar, 'T', timeout=time_out) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/robot_skills/src/robot_skills/", line 20, in query return self._client.query(description, grammar, target, timeout) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 103, in query answer = self._wait_for_result_and_get(timeout=timeout) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 58, in _wait_for_result_and_get execute_timeout = rospy.Duration(timeout) if timeout else rospy.Duration(10) File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 90, in init super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs) File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 299, in init super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs) File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 73, in init secs = int(float_secs) TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Duration'
[ERROR] [1497368061.259482]: Robot exited with <class 'smach.exceptions.InvalidUserCodeError'>,Could not execute state 'RIDDLE_GAME_1' of type '<challenge_spr_states.riddle_game.HearQuestion object at 0x7f22dda4ee50>': Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/smach/src/smach/", line 247, in _update_once self._remappings[self._currentlabel])) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 180, in execute res = hear(self.robot, time_out=self.timeout) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/repos/https/", line 20, in hear return robot.hmi.query('Question?', knowledge.grammar, 'T', timeout=time_out) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/robot_skills/src/robot_skills/", line 20, in query return self._client.query(description, grammar, target, timeout) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 103, in query answer = self._wait_for_result_and_get(timeout=timeout) File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/hmi/src/hmi/", line 58, in _wait_for_result_and_get execute_timeout = rospy.Duration(timeout) if timeout else rospy.Duration(10) File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/", line 90, in init super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs) File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 299, in init super(Duration, self).init(secs, nsecs) File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/genpy/", line 73, in init secs = int(float_secs) TypeError: int() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Duration' ,<traceback object at 0x7f22dda650e0> [INFO] [1497368061.259723]: Torso cancelling all goals on close [INFO] [1497368061.259962]: left arm cancelling all goals on all arm-related ACs on close [INFO] [1497368061.260448]: right arm cancelling all goals on all arm-related ACs on close Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/challenge_spr/src/", line 207, in
startup(ChallengeSpeechPersonRecognition, challenge_name="challenge_spr")
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/robot_smach_states/src/robot_smach_states/util/", line 81, in startup
outcome = executioner.execute()
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/smach/src/smach/", line 359, in execute
container_outcome = self._update_once()
File "/home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/smach/src/smach/", line 254, in _update_once
remoteamigo1-0: bash: cannot set terminal process group (23529): Inappropriate ioctl for device bash: no job control in this shell
amigo1-0 killing on exit amigo1-0: [amigo/robcup_recorder-10] killing on exit amigo1-0: [amigo/record_relay_body_plan-7] killing on exit amigo1-0: [amigo/record_throttle_base_laser-9] killing on exit amigo1-0: [amigo/record_throttle_tf-3] killing on exit amigo1-0: [amigo/record/audio_capture-2] killing on exit amigo1-0: [amigo/record_throttle_ed_map-4] killing on exit ================================================================================REQUIRED process [state_machine-8] has died! process has died [pid 18159, exit code 1, cmd /home/amigo/ros/kinetic/system/src/challenge_spr/src/ amigo __name:=state_machine __log:=/home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/state_machine-8.log]. log file: /home/amigo/.ros/log/f8cc9ea0-5049-11e7-ba3a-00031d0a0d6c/state_machine-8*.log Initiating shutdown!
[state_machine-8] killing on exit [skybiometry_face_properties-7] killing on exit [amigo/object_recognition/object_recognition-6] killing on exit [amigo/face_recognition/face_recognition-5] killing on exit [amigo/ed-3] killing on exit [amigo/global_planner-2] killing on exit [amigo/local_planner-1] killing on exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete