tue-robotics / tue_robocup

RoboCup challenge implementations
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Switch from IPs to local address resolving #375

Closed Timple closed 5 years ago

Timple commented 7 years ago

Proposal Get rid of all the fixed ip's on dev-pcs etc and switch to local address resolving.

Examples ping amigo1.local ssh amigo@amigo2.local export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://amigo1.local:11311

Rationale The custom /etc/hosts files are a hassle to maintain. Also every tournament our subnet changes which makes everything difficult.

How does it work If an avahi client and deamon is installed on every PC (simple apt-gettie) then every PC acts as a DNS resolver for only it's own hostname.local. So a ping amigo1.local results in the user PC broadcasting the question who amigo1.local is. ONLY amigo1 responds with the answer: I am here with this IP. Then the action ping starts. If a computer has multiple IP addresses this still works



Why now


NB: Of course for amigo you can read Sergio / HSR / Pico / Pepper / Whatever we buy next

Rayman commented 7 years ago

The last point (export ROS_HOSTNAME=`hostname`.local) looks to me like a hack so you don't have to change a lot of code.

Timple commented 7 years ago

You realize we now do:

export ROS_IP=`hostname -I | sed 's/.*\(192\.168\.44\.[0-9]\+\).*/\1/'`

Talking about hacks :P

But seriously, why does setting the ROS_HOSTNAME look like a hack? You are simply telling the other ROS nodes on other PCs that this is the address where you can be found.

Rayman commented 7 years ago

Yeah that's true, its way better then what we had before