tuenti / secrets-manager

A daemon to sync Vault secrets to Kubernetes secrets
Apache License 2.0
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ConfigMap and docker login configs support #80

Open MichaelSPaik opened 3 years ago

MichaelSPaik commented 3 years ago

Are there any plans to be able to add support for creating configmaps or docker login configs from vault secrets?

fcgravalos commented 2 years ago

@MichaelSPaik, so sorry for the delay on the response, somehow this issue became unnoticed.

If you mean dockerconfigjson secrets for imagePullSecrets this is supported today, just use the right secret type for this: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson.

There's no plan to support ConfigMap as a secret sink as it's not a good practice.

On the other hand, there're plans to support other secrets source really soon, so stay tuned!

a-thorat commented 1 year ago

@fcgravalos I am trying to create secret type: kubernetes.io/tls with Secrets_manager version 2.1.0 but not able to create it.. apiVersion: secrets-manager.tuenti.io/v1alpha1 kind: SecretDefinition metadata: name: k8s-webhook-cert namespace: k8s-webhook spec: name: k8s-webhook-cert keysMap: tls.crt: path: {{ .Values.tls.cert }} key: webhook-server.pem tls.key: path: {{ .Values.tls.key }} key: webhook-server-key.pem type: kubernetes.io/tls

Backend vault is Hashi and its failing with invalid type error validating data: ValidationError(SecretDefinition): unknown field "type" in io.tuenti.secrets-manager.v1alpha1.SecretDefinition; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false

any input to resolve the issue?