tuenti / secrets-manager

A daemon to sync Vault secrets to Kubernetes secrets
Apache License 2.0
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A tool to keep your Kubernetes secrets in sync with Vault


Lots of companies use Vault as their secrets store backend for multiple kind of secrets and different purposes. Kubernetes brings a nice secrets API, but it means that you have two different sources of truth for your secrets.

secrets-manager tries to solve this, by reading secrets from Vault and comparing them to Kubernetes secrets, creating and updating them as you do it in Vault.

How does it compare to other tools?

How it works

secrets-manager will login to Vault using AppRole credentials and it will start a reconciliation loop watching for changes in SecretsDefinition objects. In background it will run two main operations:

Custom Resource Definition (CRD)

secrets-manager now uses Custom Resource Definitions to extend Kubernetes APIs with a new SecretDefinition object that it will watch.

To install the CRD in your cluster: kubectl apply -f crd.yaml

Secrets Definition

NOTE: We let the user all the responsibility to set the whole Vault path. So it is important to know which path a secret engine needs to be set. For instance, with the KV version 1 all secrets are stored in secret/ whereas with the KV version 2, all secrets go under secret/data/

An example of a secretdefinition object

$ cat > secretdefinition-sample.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: secrets-manager.tuenti.io/v1alpha1
kind: SecretDefinition
  name: secretdefinition-sample
  # Add fields here
  name: supersecretnew
      path: secret/data/pathtosecret1
      encoding: base64
      key: value
      path: secret/data/pathtosecret1
      key: value


To deploy it just run kubectl apply -f secretdefinition-sample.yaml


Flag Default Description
backend vault Selected backend. One of vault or azure-kv
enable-debug-log false Enable this to get more logs verbosity and debug messages.
enable-leader-election false Enable leader election for controller manager. Enabling this will ensure there is only one active controller manager.
reconcile-period 5s How often the controller will re-queue secretdefinition events
config.backend-timeout 5s Backend connection timeout
azure-kv.name "" Azure KeyVault name. AZURE_KV_NAME environment would take precedence
azure-kv.tenant-id "" Azure KeyVault Tenant ID. AZURE_TENANT_ID environment would take precedence
azure-kv.client-id "" Azure KeyVault Cliend ID used to authenticate. AZURE_CLIENT_ID environment would take precedence
azure-kv.client-secret "" Azure KeyVault Client Secret used to authenticate. AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET environment would take precedence
azure-kv.managed-client-id "" Azure Managed Identity Client ID used to authenticate. AZURE_MANAGED_CLIENT_ID environment would take precedence
azure-kv.managed-resource-id "" Azure Managed Identity Resource ID used to authenticate. AZURE_MANAGED_RESOURCE_ID environment would take precedence
vault.url Vault address. VAULT_ADDR environment would take precedence.
vault.role-id "" Vault appRole role_id. VAULT_ROLE_ID environment would take precedence.
vault.secret-id "" Vault appRole secret_id. VAULT_SECRET_ID environment would take precedence.
vault.engine kv2 Vault secrets engine to use. Only key/value engines supported. Default is kv version 2
vault.auth-method approle Vault authentication method. Supported: approle, kubernetes.
vault.approle-path approle Vault approle login path
vault.kubernetes-path kubernetes Vault kubernetes login path
vault.kubernetes-role "" Vault kubernetes role name
vault.max-token-ttl 300 Max seconds to consider a token expired.
vault.token-polling-period 15s Polling interval to check token expiration time.
vault.renew-ttl-increment 600 TTL time for renewed token.
metrics-addr :8080 The address to listen on for HTTP requests.
controller-name SecretDefinition If running secrets manager in multiple namespaces, set the controller name to something unique avoid 'duplicate metrics collector registration attempted' errors.
watch-namespaces "" Comma separated list of namespaces that secrets-manager will watch for SecretDefinitions. By default all namespaces are watched.
exclude-namespaces "" Comma separated list of namespaces that secrets-manager will not watch for SecretDefinitions. By default all namespaces are watched. Note that if you exclude and watch the same namespace, excluding it will be prioritized.


Secrets Manager can be run in one of 2 ways:

In order for Secrets Manager to act as a manager for all Namespaces it requires a ClusterRole that enables it to manage all secrets and secretdefinitions in the entire Kubernetes cluster as in the config/rbac/role.yaml and config/rbac/rolebinding.yaml examples.

Alternatively if you use the watch-namespaces argument to limit secretdefinition monitoring to sepcific namespaces then you can just give the serviceAccount that secrets-manager is running as a standard role and a rolebinding in each of the namespaces that you want it to manage as shown in the config/rbac/secrets_manager_role.yaml and config/rbac/secrets_manager_role_binding.yaml examples. Alternatively you can still use a cluster role if you so wish.

To be able to interact with secretdefinition resources using the standard admin, edit and view Kubernetes native roles, you need to create the following ClusterRole aggregations:

More information about aggregated ClusterRoles can be found at kubernetes.io > Using RBAC Authorization > Aggregated ClusterRoles.

Prometheus Metrics

secrets-manager exposes the following Prometheus metrics at http://$cfg.listen-addr/metrics:

Metric Type Description Labels
secrets_manager_vault_max_token_ttl Gauge secrets-manager max Vault token TTL "vault_address", "vault_engine", "vault_version", "vault_cluster_id", "vault_cluster_name"
secrets_manager_vault_token_ttl Gauge Vault token TTL "vault_address", "vault_engine", "vault_version", "vault_cluster_id", "vault_cluster_name"
secrets_manager_vault_token_renewal_errors_total Counter Vault token renewal errors counter "vault_address", "vault_engine", "vault_version", "vault_cluster_id", "vault_cluster_name", "vault_operation", "error"
secrets_manager_controller_secret_read_errors_total Counter Errors total count when reading a secret from Kubernetes "name", "namespace"
secrets_manager_controller_sync_errors_total Counter Secrets synchronization total errors. "name", "namespace"
secrets_manager_controller_last_sync_status Gauge The result of the last sync of a secret. 1 = OK, 0 = Error "name", "namespace"

Getting Started with Vault

Vault Policies

We do recommend you use policies to make sure you grant secrets-manager only to those secrets you need available in your Kubernetes cluster. An example of simple policy could be:

path "secret/data/my-k8s-cluster/*" {
  capabilities = ["read"]

To create this policy:

$ cat > my-policy.hcl <<EOF
path "secret/data/my-k8s-cluster/*" {
  capabilities = ["read"]

$ cat my-policy.hcl | vault policy write my-policy -

Vault Tokens

Vault tokens will be renewed by secrets-manager if the ttl is lower than vault.max-token-ttl and the token is renewable. But as per Vault's documentation, regular tokens will have their own max TTL that it's calculated on every renewal, so that a token will eventually expire. This can be ok for your use case, but for others a periodic token could be much more convinient. In the case of a periodic token, the period will invalidate the vault.renew-ttl-increment option.

Vault AppRole

Vault token as a login mechanism has been deprecated in favor of the AppRole authentication method for secrets-manager. secrets-manager will still renew the token obtained after login in, but will make secrets-manager more resilient in case of a token has expired due to network issues, Vault sealed, etc.

So instead of expecting a token, secrets-manager expects a role_id and a secret_id to connect to Vault.

To create a role with a permanent secret_id attached to a policy:

$ vault write auth/approle/role/secrets-manager policies=my-policy secret_id_num_uses=0 secret_id_ttl=0

To get a secret_id:

$ vault write -force auth/approle/role/secrets-manager/secret-id

To get the role_id:

$ vault read auth/approle/role/secrets-manager/role-id

Vault Kubernetes Authentication

In addition to appRole, secrets-manager can authenticate to Vault using its own Kubernetes serviceAccount. Follow the Vault Kubernetes auth guide to enable it and configure it.


$ cat > secrets-manager-role.json <<EOF
  "bound_service_account_names": [ "secrets-manager" ],
  "bound_service_account_namespaces": [ "my-namesapace" ],
  "policies": [ "my-policy" ],
  "max_ttl": 3600

$ vault write auth/kubernetes/role/secrets-manager @secrets-manager-role.json

Getting Started with Azure KeyVault

Deploy Azure KeyVault

If you haven't still deployed an Azure KeyVault server, you can do it with Azure CLI:

$ az keyvault create --location <location> --name <keyvault_name> --resource-group <resource_group>

Azure authentication methods

Secrets manager currently supports the following authentication methods for Azure:

Create a Service Principal to access secrets

secrets-manager uses Azure Service Principal to authenticate against Azure KeyVault API. It's recommended to use an isolated Service Principal to limit its access to the least required resources:

$ az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "<service_principal_name>" --role Contributor --scopes /subscriptions/{SubID}/resourceGroups/{ResourceGroup}

This command will output a JSON object like the following:

  "appId": "<AppID>", // ClientId
  "displayName": "<ServicePrincipleName>",
  "name": "http://<ServicePrincipleName>",
  "password": "<Password>", // ClientSecret
  "tenant": "<TenantId>"

The fields needed by secrets-manager to authenticate are appId (azure-kv.client-id), password (azure-kv.client-secret) and tenant (azure-kv.tenant-id).

Once the Service Principal is created, add permission to access Azure KeyVault's secrets with:

$ az keyvault set-policy --name <keyvault_name> --spn <appId> --secret-permissions get list set delete


Right now versioning it's a manually task. Depending on the kind of the update we would apply a major, minor or patch update given that we follow semantic versioning.

Before building release images, we should run one of the following commands:


secrets-manager has been designed to be deployed in Kubernetes, you will find a full deployment example in the config/samples folder.

Credits & Contact

secrets-manager is developed and maintained by Tuenti Technologies S.L.

You can follow Tuenti engineering team on Twitter @tuentieng.


secrets-manager is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE file for more info.