tufts-ml / KCN

Kriging Convolutional Networks (KCN) in Tensoflow
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Kriging Convolutional Networks(KCN)

We have updated the implementation with PyTorch and PyTorch-Geometric. Here is the new release. This TensorFlow version is not supported anymore.


This repo contains the implementation of Kriging Convolutional Networks algorithm:

Gabriel Appleby*, Linfeng Liu*, Li-Ping Liu, Kriging Convolutional Networks Gabriel, To appear on AAAI 2020.



Our model takes


There are three models you can choose: kcn, kcn_att, and kcn_sage.

Run the code

Please refer to the experiment.py file for details.


For the kcn and kcn-att, we leverage the code from Thomas N. Kipf (https://github.com/tkipf/gcn). For the implementation of kcn-sage, we take advantage of spektral graph neural network package (https://github.com/danielegrattarola/spektral). We thanks these authors to make their code publicly available.