tug37130 / CEDStormwater

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Table of Contents

This module requires installation of the following modules:

If running the executable:

  1. Download and Save the .exe File

    • In the GitHub repository, select and download the .exe file. This will be labeled as "SWLayerGenerator"
    • Save the executable to an accessible location such as your Desktop or Documents.
      • Please refrain from saving this in a project folder.
  2. Run the Application

    • Double-click the executable file.

      If running source code in an IDE:

  3. Install Anaconda

    • Navigate to Anaconda's distribution page.
    • Login, or signup to obtain access to access the distribution.
    • Once signed-in, navigate to "products" in the top ribbon and select the "individual edition."
    • Select the proper installation version (i.e. Windows 64-Bit Graphical Installer).
    • Once downloaded, run the installer and keep all defaults.
  4. Virtual Environment Creation

    • Launch the previously installed Anaconda Prompt.
    • Input the following code, running each line individually:
    • conda create --name ced
    • conda activate ced
    • pip install geopandas tkinter logging webbrowser
    1. Running the Application
      • Open all source code files.
      • Run all files, except for main.py and gui.py, to set the functions.
      • Initiate/run the program by running either the main.py or gui.py.


User Inputs:

Common Issues and Resolution:

"Error: Please ensure county name is correct."

"Error: Please ensure municipality code is correct."

"Error: Please ensure GNIS code is correct."

NOTE: Once an error dialogue is given, clicking the "Ok" button will remove any previously created files and keep the application open. Once the error dialogue is closed the given error can be fixed and can be re-run.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can this application be run while not connected to the internet?

Do you need to be on the corporate VPN, or in office to run the application?

Where do the files go once the application is ran?

Is the data updated automatically?