tugrul / cryptian

Crypto suite for Node.js
MIT License
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MCrypt compatible crypto wrapper for Node.js


Using NPM

npm install --save cryptian

Using Yarn

yarn add cryptian

Basic Usage With Transform Stream Support

Check out the test folder to find out the different ways to use it.

Block Algorithm Encryption

const fs = require('fs');
const {default: {algorithm, mode}, padding, createEncryptStream} = require('cryptian');

const key = Buffer.from('0a0c0e1012141618', 'hex');
const iv = Buffer.from('ca40f5af0b1aeea2', 'hex');

const des = new algorithm.Des();

const cipher = new mode.cbc.Cipher(des, iv);

    .pipe(createEncryptStream(cipher, padding.Pkcs5))

Block Algorithm Decryption

const fs = require('fs');
const {default: {algorithm, mode}, padding, createDecryptStream} = require('cryptian');

const key = Buffer.from('0a0c0e1012141618', 'hex');
const iv = Buffer.from('ca40f5af0b1aeea2', 'hex');

const des = new algorithm.Des();

const cipher = new mode.cbc.Decipher(des, iv);

    .pipe(createDecryptStream(cipher, padding.Pkcs5))

Available Crypto Algorithms

All the following crypto algorithms ported from libmcrypt

Block Cipher

Basic Usage

const assert = require('assert');
const {default: {algorithm}} = require('cryptian');
const des = new algorithm.Des();

des.setKey(Buffer.from('0a0c0e1012141618', 'hex'));

const ciphertext = Buffer.from('a1502d70ba1320c8', 'hex');
const plaintext  = Buffer.from('0001020304050607', 'hex');

assert(ciphertext.equals(des.encrypt(plaintext)), 'encrypted plaintext should equal to ciphertext');
assert(plaintext.equals(des.decrypt(ciphertext)), 'decrypted ciphertext should equal to plaintext');

Stream Cipher

Basic Usage

const assert = require('assert');
const {default: {algorithm}} = require('cryptian');

const enigma = new algorithm.Enigma();

enigma.setKey(Buffer.from('enadyotr', 'ascii'));

const ciphertext = Buffer.from('f3edda7da20f8975884600f014d32c7a08e59d7b', 'hex');
const plaintext  = Buffer.from('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f10111213', 'hex');

assert(ciphertext.equals(enigma.encrypt(plaintext)), 'encrypted plaintext should equal to ciphertext');
assert(plaintext.equals(enigma.decrypt(ciphertext)), 'decrypted ciphertext should equal to plaintext');

Available Block Cipher Mode Algorithms

All the following block cipher mode algorithms ported from libmcrypt

Basic Usage

const assert = require('assert');
const {default: {algorithm, mode}} = require('cryptian');

const plaintext  = Buffer.from('88cc3d134aee5660f7623cf475fe9df20f773180bd70b0ef2aae00910ba087a1', 'hex');
const ciphertext = Buffer.from('ace98b99e6803c445b8bb76d937ea1b654fc86ed2e0e11597e52867c25ae96f8', 'hex');

const iv = Buffer.from('2425b68aac6e6a24', 'hex');

// don't use Dummy algorithm in real production environment 
// because this is not an encryption algorithm
const dummy = new algorithm.Dummy(); 

const cipher = new mode.cbc.Cipher(dummy, iv);
assert(ciphertext.equals(cipher.transform(plaintext)), 'transformed plaintext should be equal to ciphertext');

const decipher = new mode.cbc.Decipher(dummy, iv);
assert(plaintext.equals(decipher.transform(ciphertext)), 'transformed ciphertext should be equal to plaintext');

Available Block Cipher Padding Algorithms

Basic Usage

const assert = require('assert');
const {padding} = require('cryptian');

const padder = new padding.Pkcs5(8);
const padded = Buffer.from('0575ba559d030303', 'hex');
const unpadded = Buffer.from('0575ba559d', 'hex');



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