I had successfully trained TTS for Indonesia. Here I also attached the result of mine compared to original utterance. It's trained on 23400 audio (about 17 hours) using modified parameters as attached.
The result is impressive and very natural thanks to your great implementation. Yet I still don't satisfied with the time needed to infer the model. I believe it can be faster. Using GPU or half precision don't help.
Can you give me hints to speed up this? Thank you.
"""Hyper parameters."""
__author__ = 'Erdene-Ochir Tuguldur'
class HParams:
"""Hyper parameters"""
disable_progress_bar = False # set True if you don't want the progress bar in the console
logdir = "logdir" # log dir where the checkpoints and tensorboard files are saved
# audio.py options, these values are from https://github.com/Kyubyong/dc_tts/blob/master/hyperparams.py
reduction_rate = 4 # melspectrogram reduction rate, don't change because SSRN is using this rate
n_fft = 2048 # fft points (samples)
n_mels = 80 # Number of Mel banks to generate
power = 1.5 # Exponent for amplifying the predicted magnitude
n_iter = 50 # Number of inversion iterations
preemphasis = .97
max_db = 100
ref_db = 20
sr = 16000 # Sampling rate
frame_shift = 0.05 # seconds
frame_length = 0.75 # seconds
hop_length = int(sr * frame_shift) # samples. =276.
win_length = int(sr * frame_length) # samples. =1102.
max_N = 180 # Maximum number of characters.
max_T = 210 # Maximum number of mel frames.
e = 128 # embedding dimension
d = 256 # Text2Mel hidden unit dimension
c = 512+128 # SSRN hidden unit dimension
dropout_rate = 0.05 # dropout
# Text2Mel network options
text2mel_lr = 0.005 # learning rate
text2mel_max_iteration = 300000 # max train step
text2mel_weight_init = 'none' # 'kaiming', 'xavier' or 'none'
text2mel_normalization = 'layer' # 'layer', 'weight' or 'none'
text2mel_basic_block = 'gated_conv' # 'highway', 'gated_conv' or 'residual'
text2mel_batchsize = 64
# SSRN network options
ssrn_lr = 0.0005 # learning rate
ssrn_max_iteration = 150000 # max train step
ssrn_weight_init = 'kaiming' # 'kaiming', 'xavier' or 'none'
ssrn_normalization = 'weight' # 'layer', 'weight' or 'none'
ssrn_basic_block = 'residual' # 'highway', 'gated_conv' or 'residual'
ssrn_batchsize = 24
I had successfully trained TTS for Indonesia. Here I also attached the result of mine compared to original utterance. It's trained on 23400 audio (about 17 hours) using modified parameters as attached.
The result is impressive and very natural thanks to your great implementation. Yet I still don't satisfied with the time needed to infer the model. I believe it can be faster. Using GPU or half precision don't help. Can you give me hints to speed up this? Thank you.
Sample audio
Inference Time