tuler / deroll

TypeScript framework for Cartesi applications
MIT License
17 stars 12 forks source link


Deroll, a TypeScript framework, facilitates the development of decentralized applications (dApps) on the Cartesi blockchain technology. With a focus on simplicity, Deroll offers a toolkit and conventions to streamline your development workflow. Easily onboard using Node.js and Deroll to start building your Cartesi application with ease.

Quick Start


Ensure you have Node.js and Yarn installed; you can download them from nodejs.org and yarnpkg.com. Additionally, it's necessary to install Cartesi CLI.

Creating a project

npm init @deroll/app


pnpm create @deroll/app


yarn create @deroll/app

Simple example

Open the file src/index.ts and copy and paste the following code:

// Import necessary modules
import { createApp } from "@deroll/app";

// Create the application
const app = createApp({
    url: process.env.ROLLUP_HTTP_SERVER_URL || "",

// Handle input encoded in hex
app.addAdvanceHandler(async ({ payload }) => {
    // read payload as string
    const str = hexToString(payload);

    // create a notice with the string in uppercase
    await app.createNotice({ payload: stringToHex(str.toUpperCase()) });

// Start the application
app.start().catch((e) => {

Build and run your dApp

cartesi build
cartesi run

Expected output:

prompt-1     | Anvil running at http://localhost:8545
prompt-1     | GraphQL running at http://localhost:8080/graphql
prompt-1     | Inspect running at http://localhost:8080/inspect/
prompt-1     | Explorer running at http://localhost:8080/explorer/
prompt-1     | Bundler running at http://localhost:8080/bundler/rpc
prompt-1     | Paymaster running at http://localhost:8080/paymaster/
prompt-1     | Press Ctrl+C to stop the node

Send a message

Open a new terminal and run:

cartesi send
  1. Choose Send generic input to the application.
  2. After choose Foundry
  3. Select the defaults:
    1. Select the RPC URL
    2. Select Mnemonic
    3. Account, DApp address
  4. Select Input String encoding and in the input type Hello world! and hit enter.

Expected output:

cartesi send
? Select send sub-command Send generic input to the application.
? Chain Foundry
? Wallet Mnemonic
? Mnemonic test test test test test test test test test test test junk
? Account 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 9999.969240390387558666 ETH
? DApp address 0x70ac08179605AF2D9e75782b8DEcDD3c22aA4D0C
? Input String encoding
? Input (as string) Hello world!
✔ Input sent: 0xebd90fe6fd50245dfa30f33e2d68236a73b25e2351106484cfa9d815e401939d

Expected output in the cartesi run terminal:

prompt-1     | Anvil running at http://localhost:8545
prompt-1     | GraphQL running at http://localhost:8080/graphql
prompt-1     | Inspect running at http://localhost:8080/inspect/
prompt-1     | Explorer running at http://localhost:8080/explorer/
prompt-1     | Bundler running at http://localhost:8080/bundler/rpc
prompt-1     | Paymaster running at http://localhost:8080/paymaster/
prompt-1     | Press Ctrl+C to stop the node
validator-1  | [INFO  rollup_http_server::http_service] Received new request of type ADVANCE
validator-1  | [INFO  actix_web::middleware::logger] "POST /finish HTTP/1.1" 200 224 "-" "undici" 0.000960
validator-1  | Hello world!

Now you're ready to start building your Cartesi application with cartesi and deroll!

Build from source



Corepack is a package manager that allows you to install packages from different package managers. It is recommended to use it to install deroll because it come with nodejs. But you can use pnpm if you want. To install corepack follow the instructions here.

corepack install
corepack pnpm install


pnpm i
pnpm run build

How to contribute

Try to follow deroll conventions and patterns, open a ticket to discuss ideas, or open a PR.


This code is licensed under the MIT License.