Note: this file is auto converted from company-posframe.el by el2org, please do not edit it by hand!!!
company-posframe is a company extension, which let company use child frame as its candidate menu.
It has the following feature:
(require 'company-posframe)
(company-posframe-mode 1)
In windows or MacOS system, company candidates menu may flicker when scroll up and down, the reason is that the size of posframe changing rapid, user can set the minimum width of menu to limit flicker, for example:
(setq company-tooltip-minimum-width 40)
The below code let desktop.el not record the company-posframe-mode
(require 'desktop) ;this line is needed.
(push '(company-posframe-mode . nil)
company-posframe.el is derived from Clément Pit-Claudel's company-tooltip.el, which can be found at:
Some quickhelp functions is come from: