tumashu / org-capture-pop-frame

Pop a new frame, then run org-capture
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org-capture-pop-frame is an extension of org-capture, when it is enabled, org-capure will capture things in a new pop frame, after capture finish or abort. the poped frame will be delete.


  1. This extension is suitable for capturing links and text in firefox.
  2. You can click with mouse in emacs header-line to finish or abort capture.



org-capture-pop-frame is now available from the famous emacs package repo melpa, so the recommended way is to install it through emacs package management system.


Config org-capture and org-capture-pop-frame

(require 'org-capture)
(require 'org-capture-pop-frame)
(setq org-capture-templates
      '(("f" "org-capture-from-web" entry  (file+headline "~/note.org" "Notes-from-web")
         "** %a

         :empty-lines 1)))

Config firefox

You need install one of the following firefox extensions, then config it.

  1. AppLauncher

    1. Download links
      1. https://addons.mozilla.org/zh-CN/firefox/addon/applauncher/?src=api
      2. https://github.com/nobuoka/AppLauncher
    2. Applauncher config

      1. Name: org-capture(f) (Edit it)
      2. Path: /home/feng/emacs/bin/emacsclient (Edit it)
      3. Args: org-protocol://capture://f/&eurl;/&etitle;/&etext; ("f" is org-capture's key)


  2. org-mode-capture

    1. Download links
      1. https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/org-mode-capture/
      2. http://chadok.info/firefox-org-capture
      3. https://github.com/tumashu/firefox-org-capture (tumashu modify version)
    2. Config it (Very simple, just change emacsclient path.)

    NOTE: The official org-mode-capture extension can not set some emacsclient options, for example: "–socket-name", you can download and install tumashu's modify org-mode-capture's xpi instead.

    Firefox (version >= 41) may block this xpi for signature reason, user can set "xpinstall.signatures.required" to "false" in about:config to deal with this problem.


Other userful tools

  1. trayit (search in google)
  2. Minime
  3. RBtray