tuna-f1sh / cyme

List system USB buses and devices; a lib and modern cross-platform lsusb that attempts to maintain compatibility with, but also add new features
GNU General Public License v3.0
141 stars 7 forks source link
cli libusb lsusb macos rust tool usb
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Crates.io docs.rs

List system USB buses and devices; a lib and modern cross-platform lsusb that attempts to maintain compatibility with, but also add new features. Includes a macOS system_profiler SPUSBDataType parser module and libusb profiler for non-macOS systems/gathering more verbose information.

The project started as a quick replacement for the barely working lsusb script and a Rust project to keep me up to date! Like most fun projects, it quickly experienced feature creep as I developed it into a cross-platform replacement for lsusb.

As a developer of embedded devices, I use a USB list tool on a frequent basis and developed this to cater to what I believe are the short comings of lsusb: verbose dump is too verbose, tree doesn't contain useful data on the whole, it barely works on non-Linux platforms and modern terminals support features that make glancing through the data easier.

It's not perfect as it started out as a Rust refresher but I had a lot of fun developing it and hope others will find it useful and can contribute. Reading around the lsusb source code, USB-IF and general USB information was also a good knowledge builder.

The name comes from the technical term for the type of blossom on a Apple tree: cyme - it is Apple related and also looks like a USB device tree 😃🌸.

cli tree output






For pre-compiled binaries, see the releases.

From crates.io with a Rust tool-chain installed: cargo install cyme. To do it from within a local clone: cargo install --path ..

If wishing to use only macOS system_profiler and not obtain more verbose information, remove the 'libusb' feature with cargo install --no-default-features cyme

Package Managers

brew install cyme

More package managers to come/package distribution, please feel free to create a PR if you want to help out here.

Linux udev Information

[!NOTE] Only supported on Linux targets.

To obtain device and interface drivers being used on Linux like lsusb, one can use the --features udev feature when building - it's a default feature. The feature uses the Rust crate udevrs to obtain the information. To use the C FFI libudev library, use --no-default-features --features udevlib which will use the 'libudev' crate. Note that this will require 'libudev-dev' to be installed on the host machine.

To lookup USB IDs from the udev hwdb as well (like lsusb) use --features udev_hwdb. Without hwdb, cyme will use the 'usb-ids' crate, which is the same source as the hwdb binary data but the bundled hwdb may differ due to customisations or last update ('usb-ids' will be most up to date).

Alias lsusb

If one wishes to create a macOS version of lsusb or just use this instead, create an alias one's environment with the --lsusb compatibility flag:

alias lsusb='cyme --lsusb'


Will cover this more as it develops. Use cyme --help for basic usage or man ./doc/cyme.1. There are also autocompletions in './doc'.


For usage as a library for profiling system USB devices, the crate is 100% documented so look at docs.rs. The main useful modules for import are system_profiler, lsusb::profiler and usb

There are also some examples in 'examples/', these can be run with cargo run --example filter_devices.


cyme will check for a 'cyme.json' config file in:

One can also be supplied with --config. Copy or refer to './doc/cyme_example_config.json' for configurables. Tthe file is essentially the default args; supplied args will override these. Use --debug to see where it is looking or if it's not loading.

Custom Icons and Colours

See './doc/cyme_example_config.json' for an example of how icons can be defined and also the docs. The config can exclude the "user"/"colours" keys if one wishes not to define any new icons/colours.

Icons are looked up in an order of User -> Default. For devices: VidPid -> VidPidMsb -> Vid -> UnknownVendor -> get_default_vidpid_icon, classes: ClassifierSubProtocol -> Classifier -> UndefinedClassifier -> get_default_classifier_icon. User supplied colours override all internal; if a key is missing, it will be None.

Icons not Showing/Boxes with Question Marks

Copied from lsd: For cyme to be able to display icons, the font has to include special font glyphs. This might not be the case for most fonts that you download. Thankfully, you can patch most fonts using NerdFont and add these icons. Or you can just download an already patched version of your favourite font from NerdFont font download page. Here is a guide on how to setup fonts on macOS and Android.

To check if the font you are using is setup correctly, try running the following snippet in a shell and see if that prints a folder icon. If it prints a box, or question mark or something else, then you might have some issues in how you setup the font or how your terminal emulator renders the font.

echo $'\uf115'

If one does not want icons, provide a config file with custom blocks not including the any 'icon*' blocks - see the example config. Alternatively, to only use standard UTF-8 charactors supported by all fonts (no private use area) pass --encoding utf8 and --icon auto (default). The --icon auto will drop the icon blocks if the charactors matched are not supported by the --encoding.

For no icons at all, use the hidden --no-icons or --icon never args.

Known Issues