tundish / pyoncannon

Fire negative entropy into clouds with a Python package called Yardstick.
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

.. Titling


About Yardstick :::::::::::::::

Quick demo

  1. Start a fresh installation of Manjaro OpenRC Net inside VirtualBox for Windows.

  2. Install Execnet_::

    pyoncannon> pip install execnet

  3. Run the checks against the VM::

    pyoncannon> python -m yardstick.ops.main @demo\check-manjaro_openrc_net-virtualbox.windows

  4. Run the tasks against the VM::

    pyoncannon> python -m yardstick.ops.main @demo\auto-manjaro_openrc_net-virtualbox.windows

  5. Run the checks again to show conformance::

    pyoncannon> python -m yardstick.ops.main @demo\check-manjaro_openrc_net-virtualbox.windows

Command line interface

Run a check; modules identified by file path::

yardstick check --ini manjaro_openrc_net-virtualbox.ini --paths yardstick/openrc/test_*.py

Run a check; name a package or module using dotted notation::

yardstick check --ini manjaro_openrc_net-virtualbox.ini --modules yardstick.openrc.test_access

Make changes to remote host::

yardstick auto --paths yardstick/openrc/stage01.py yardstick/openrc/stage02.py

Not yet implemented

Discover available tags::

    yardstick units yardstick.common yardstick.openrc

Detect available test modules by tag::

    yardstick units --include=.. --exclude=.. yardstick.common yardstick.openrc

Full documentation

Install sphinx::

    pyoncannon> pip install sphinx

Build the docs from source::

    pyoncannon> sphinx-build yardstick\openrc\ yardstick\openrc\html

Read the documentation::

    pyoncannon> firefox yardstick\openrc\html\index.html


* Python 3.4 or later.
* Execnet_.

Windows environment

It is a project goal to support operation from MS Windows 8. For this OS, you
should install `Git for Windows`_ which bundles some GNU CLI tools and an
OpenSSH environment.

* During installation, allow Git to install the CLI tools into your ``PATH``.
* Set your ``HOME`` environment variable to ``%HOMEPATH%`` for SSH to work properly.

:Author: tundish
:Copyright: 2015 D Haynes
:Licence: `GNU General Public License`_

.. _Manjaro OpenRC Net: http://sourceforge.net/projects/manjaro-openrc/files/release/0.8.12/net/
.. _VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/
.. _Execnet: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/execnet
.. _Git for Windows: http://git-scm.com/download/win
.. _GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html