tungbq / devops-toolkit

🐳 Container image for an all-in-one DevOps environment with popular tools like Ansible, Terraform, kubectl, Helm, AWS CLI, Azure CLI, Git, Python and more.
Apache License 2.0
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ansible awscli container devops devops-toolkit devops-tools docker dockerfile dockerhub git helm image kubectl python terraform


DevOps Toolkit

🐳 Container image for an all-in-one DevOps environment with popular tools like Ansible, Terraform, kubectl, AWS CLI, Azure CLI, Git, Python and more...

last commit devops-toolkit release Docker main tungbq/devops-toolkit GitHub Repo stars

Key features

Prerequisites 🔓

Before you begin, ensure that you have Docker installed. It's also helpful to have a basic understanding of Docker concepts.

Versioning 🔖

Below is the versioning strategy for the repository and DockerHub:

NOTE: In the following section, we use the latest tag in the documentation, but you can specify your desired tag based on your needs.

Quick start 🔥

# Use latest tag
docker run --network host -it --rm tungbq/devops-toolkit:latest

# Use specific tag
docker run --network host -it --rm tungbq/devops-toolkit:0.1.0

Demo 📺

Check out the full sample and instruction at samples

docker run --network host --rm tungbq/devops-toolkit:latest samples/run_sample.sh

Getting started 📖

Pull the official image from Docker Hub

DockerHub image: tungbq/devops-toolkit:latest

docker pull tungbq/devops-toolkit:latest

Build your own image

Skip this step if you use the image from DockerHub

Start and explore the toolkit container

Once you have the image ready, you can start using the toolkit with the following commands

docker run --network host -it --rm tungbq/devops-toolkit:latest
root@docker-desktop:~# python3 --version
Python 3.12.2

root@docker-desktop:~# terraform --version
Terraform v1.7.5
on linux_amd64

root@docker-desktop:~# kubectl version
Client Version: v1.29.3
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3

# ... more command as your needed

User guide 📖

Explore the comprehensive guide below to gain insight into the detailed utilization of every tool within the toolkit

The DevOps Toolkit Core 🧰

Built on ubuntu:22.04 base image

Name Version Release Usage
Python PYTHON_VERSION=3.11 Check python_usage
Ansible ANSIBLE_VERSION=2.17.1 Check ansible_usage
Terraform TERRAFORM_VERSION=1.9.0 Check terraform_usage
Kubectl KUBECTL_VERSION=1.30.2 Check kubectl_usage
Helm HELM_VERSION=3.15.2 Check helm_usage
AwsCLI AWSCLI_VERSION=2.17.5 Check awscli_usage
AzureCLI AZURECLI_VERSION=2.61.0 Check azurecli_usage

And more tools to be implemented...


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