turbomam / mixs-subset-examples-first

A subset of the MIxS specification that's self-documenting and DataHarmonizer compatible. Comes with valid and invalid data examples. Subset = all checklists and all environmental packages, but partial combinations.
MIT License
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Welcome to turbomam/mixs-subset-examples-first!

This is an attempt to improve the venerable MIxS standard by

What does the word "subset" mean in this repo's name? How can I help?

MIxS is a specification of the Minimal Information about any (x) Sequence. It takes a stand on the information that a submitter should provide when submitting sequence data to a repository like NCBI, EMBL or DDBJ. When data submitters stick to these standards, their submission are more findable, interoperable and comparable.

The explict elements of MIxS are terms (like temperature, pH, primers), environmental packages (like soil, water, plant-associated) and checklists (like sequencing of a cultured eukaryote vs sequencing of a metagenome). The checklists and environmental packages can be combined to form specification for a soil sample intended for metgenome sequencing (MimsSoil), a water sample intended for sequencing of as isolated bacterium (MigsBaWater), etc.

In the LinkML language, the terms are modeled as slots and the environmental packages, checklists and combinations are modeled as classes that bear slots (variable, fields,attributes, etc.)

We consider the MIxS 6.1 source of trust to be https://github.com/GenomicsStandardsConsortium/mixs/blob/main/mixs/excel/mixs_v6.xlsx. This workbook has a "MIxS" sheet that describes terms most closely associated with checklists in a wide format: each term is listed on a single line, and requirement columns named migs_ba, mims, etc. specify whether the term on that row is required, recommend, optional, or not applicable to the term on that row. Note that the wod "requirement" doesn't appear anywhere on the sheet's rows, and that one must consult un-lined data to understand the requirement codes. See for example https://github.com/GenomicsStandardsConsortium/mixs/wiki/5.-MIxS-checklists. See also this bundled file for the LinkML interpretation of teh requirement codes: data/mixs_requirement_codes.tsv

sources to consult when resolving conflicts in invariant term attribute associated with different classes

Note that the MIxS standard has been subsetted in one additional way for this code repository: combining the 11 MIxS 6.1 checklists by the 23 environmental packages would yield 253 classes. Dynamically generating all of those combinations is computationally costly, so we have limited the combination in this demonstration repository to MigsBa and Mims * the PlantAssociated, Sediment, Soil, and Water environments. Contributors who would like to prioritize the inclusion of some core combinations, or who would like to devise more efficient ways of working with large numbers of combinations are encouraged to speak up.

Additionally, this schema is closed: a compliant data set can't provide values for any term that is not already associated with the class that the user has selected to model their samples. In other words, users can't "add their own columns." MIxS already provides several terms with open-ended semantics. Allowing users to provide values in fields of their own design is a sure way to decrease interoperability with other data sets.

Cumulative log of modifications: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/turbomam/mixs-subset-examples-first/main/assets/mixs_combined_diff.html



Repository Structure

Developer Documentation

Use the `make` command to generate project artefacts: * `make all`: make everything * `make deploy`: deploys site


This project was made with linkml-project-cookiecutter.