turpaultn / dcase20_task4

Baseline of DCASE 2020 task 4
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DCASE2020 task4: Sound event detection in domestic environments using source separation



Python >= 3.6, pytorch >= 1.0, cudatoolkit>=9.0, pandas >= 0.24.1, scipy >= 1.2.1, pysoundfile >= 0.10.2, scaper >= 1.3.5, librosa >= 0.6.3, youtube-dl >= 2019.4.30, tqdm >= 4.31.1, ffmpeg >= 4.1, dcase_util >= 0.2.5, sed-eval >= 0.2.1, psds-eval >= 0.1.0, desed >= 1.4.0

A simplified installation procedure example is provided below for python 3.6 based Anconda distribution for Linux based system:

  1. install Ananconda
  2. launch conda_create_environment.sh (recommended line by line)

Papers code

If you are on this repo and searching for the code assoctiated to:

Please go to the branch papers_code.


Please check the submission_page.

The evaluation data is on this eval_zenodo_repo.

Before doing your submission, please check your submission folder for task 4 with the dedicated scripts:


This year, a sound separation model is used: see sound-separation folder which is the fuss_repo integrated as a git subtree.

Sound separation model

More info in Original FUSS model repo.

SED model

More info in the baseline folder.

Combination of sound separation (SS) and sound event detection (SED)

The baseline to combine SS and SED is a late integration.

The sound separation baseline has been trained using 3 sources, so it returns:

In our case, we use only the ouput of the second source.

To get the predictions of the combination of SED and SS we do as follow:


System performance are reported in term of event-based F-scores [1] with a 200ms collar on onsets and a 200ms / 20% of the events length collar on offsets.

Additionally, the PSDS [2] performance are reported.

F-scores are computed using a single operating point (threshold=0.5) while other PSDS values are computed using 50 operating points (linear from 0.01 to 0.99).

Macro F-score Event-based  PSDS macro F-score PSDS PSDS cross-trigger PSDS macro
Validation 34.8 % 60.0% 0.610 0.524 0.433
Macro F-score Event-based  PSDS macro F-score PSDS PSDS cross-trigger PSDS macro
Validation 35.6 % 60.5% 0.626 0.546 0.449

Validation roc curves

SED baseline SED + SS baseline
psds roc curve sed_roc_0_0_100 sed_ss_roc_0_0_100
psds cross-trigger curve sed_roc_1_0_100 sed_ss_roc_1_0_100
psds macro curve sed_roc_0_1_100 sed_ss_roc_0_1_100

Please refer to the PSDS paper [2] for more information about it. The parameters used for psds performances are:

The difference between the 3 performances reported:

alpha_ct alpha_st
PSDS 0 0
PSDS cross-trigger 1 0
PSDS macro 0 1

alpha_ct is the cost of cross-trigger, alpha_st is the cost of instability across classes.

Reproducing the results

See baseline folder.


All the scripts to get the data (soundbank, generated, separated) are in the scripts folder and they use python files from data_generation folder.

Scripts to generate the dataset

In the scripts/ folder, you can find the different steps to:

It is likely that you'll have download issues with the real recordings. At the end of the download, please send a mail with the TSV files created in the missing_files directory. (to Nicolas Turpault and Romain Serizel).

However, if none of the audio files have been downloaded, it is probably due to an internet, proxy problem. See Desed repo or Desed_website for more info.


Base dataset

The dataset for sound event detection of DCASE2020 task 4 is composed of:

Pre-computed data used to train baseline

Note: the reverberated data (see scripts) are not computed for the baseline

Baselines dataset

SED baseline
SED + SS baseline

Annotation format

Weak annotations

The weak annotations have been verified manually for a small subset of the training set. The weak annotations are provided in a tab separated csv file (.tsv) under the following format:

[filename (string)][tab][event_labels (strings)]

For example:

Y-BJNMHMZDcU_50.000_60.000.wav  Alarm_bell_ringing,Dog

Strong annotations

Synthetic subset and validation set have strong annotations.

The minimum length for an event is 250ms. The minimum duration of the pause between two events from the same class is 150ms. When the silence between two consecutive events from the same class was less than 150ms the events have been merged to a single event. The strong annotations are provided in a tab separated csv file (.tsv) under the following format:

[filename (string)][tab][event onset time in seconds (float)][tab][event offset time in seconds (float)][tab][event_label (strings)]

For example:

YOTsn73eqbfc_10.000_20.000.wav  0.163   0.665   Alarm_bell_ringing

A word on sound separation dataset

Free Universal Sound Separation (FUSS) Dataset

The free universal sound separation (FUSS) dataset 3 contains mixtures of arbitrary sources of different types for use in training sound separation models. Each 10 second mixture contains between 1 and 4 sounds.

The source clips for the mixtures are from a prerelease of FSD50k 4, 5, which is composed of Freesound content annotated with labels from the AudioSet Ontology. Using the FSD50k labels, the sound source files have been screened such that they likely only contain a single type of sound. Labels are not provided for these sound source files, and are not considered part of the challenge, although they will become available when FSD50k is released.




Author Affiliation
Nicolas Turpault INRIA
Romain Serizel University of Lorraine
Scott Wisdom Google Research
John R. Hershey Google Research
Hakan Erdogan Google Research
Justin Salamon Adobe Research
Dan Ellis Google Research
Prem Seetharaman Northwestern University


If you have any problem feel free to contact Nicolas (and Romain )


In Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia, 411–412. ACM, 2013.