tusharzalte / tusharesume

Apache License 2.0
35 stars 80 forks source link

Resume Builder

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A resume is a formal document that a job applicant creates to itemize their qualifications for a position. It details our skills and training, work experience, and education, and, most importantly, the accomplishments we have made with past employers. It should also communicate in a concise manner the benefits you will bring to the job if hired. Employers use resumes to make recruiting choices, and it can also help us secure interview after submitting a job application. Owing to this one must ensure that the resume is clean and has relevant content. Resume builder is a application used to create ATS(Applicant Tracking System) friendly resumes. This app helps to create resumes which has all the relevant information needed to get hired. # Tech Stacks - Frontend : React - Backend : NodeJS and Express - Database : MongoDB # Getting Started 🌟 1. Fork the repository by clicking on the "Fork" button on the top right of the repository page. This will create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account. 2. Clone the repository: ```shell git clone ``` 3. Install dependencies: ```shell cd client1 npm install ``` 4. In the client1 folder, run command ```shell npm start ``` 5. To initialize the backend server, run command ```shell node server.js ``` Open your web browser and navigate to `http://localhost:3000` to access the tusharesume website. # How to use it?
- Register -
- Login -
- Update Profile -
- Select Template -
- Print Resume -
# Template The resume builder currently provides 3 templates.
Simple Resume Highlighted Sections Resume
Semi-Highlighted Sections Resume

Project maintainers

Muhammad Rameez
Tushar Zalte
Tushar Zalte

Red Heart Contributors

- This project thanking all the contributors for having your valuable contribution to our project - Make sure you show some love by giving ⭐ to our repository

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