tussharmate / ios-thermer-custom-schema

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Thermer Integration Guide


The Thermer app allows you to print text, images, barcodes, and QR codes by sending a request from your Swift application. This guide explains how to use the provided Swift code to structure and pass data to the BluetoothPrint app.

Print Entry Types Text Entry:

Type: 0

Content: Any string

Bold: 0 if no, 1 if yes

Align: 0 if left, 1 if center, 2 if right

Format: 0 if normal, 1 if double Height, 2 if double Height + Width, 3 if double Width, 4 if small

Image Entry:

Type: 1

Path: Complete filepath on your web server; ensure it is not a large size

Align: 0 if left, 1 if center, 2 if right; set left align for big size images

Barcode Entry:

Type: 2

Value: Valid barcode value

Height: Valid barcode height (10 to 80)

Align: 0 if left, 1 if center, 2 if right

QR Entry:

Type: 3

Value: Valid QR code value

Size: Valid QR code size in mm (Min 40)

Align: 0 if left, 1 if center, 2 if right

Empty Line:

Type: 0

Content: " " (empty line)

Bold: 0

Align: 0

Multi-lines Text:

Type: 0

Content: 'This text has
two lines' (multiple lines text)

Bold: 0

Align: 0

Integration Steps

Set up your Xcode project:

Copy the provided Swift code into your Xcode project.

Create Print Entries:

Use the PrintEntry struct to create print entries with different types. Assign values to the properties based on the type of entry. Encode and Open URL:

Use the JSONEncoder to encode the print entries into JSON format. Add percent encoding to the JSON string. Construct a URL with the encoded JSON string and the custom scheme (e.g., "thermer://"). Open the URL using UIApplication.shared.open(url!).


Ensure that the sequence of entries matches the desired printing content. For non-English entries, the app will automatically convert them to text special if the corresponding setting is enabled in the app under Settings -> Special Characters.