| ATS - Active Thermal Service
Active Fan Thermal Service tool, to Control Processor Temperature on RockPro64 Single Board Computer,
But could be adapted to other boards too.. This tool is system Agnostic.
The Control is Made via SysFS, based in the Lua Scripting Language. You can Adapt the file ats, if you want( its configured for RockPro64 )
Temp < 40°C,
Fan will Stop
40°C <= Temp <= 60°C,
Fan is Adjusted, acordingly like in the Chart, 'PWM Curve Response'
60°C < Temp < 70°C,
Fan set to Maximum Value..
-20°C >= Temp >= 70°C,
System will shutdown in 10 Seconds..
RockChip has done its tests on a Board, at 80°C, They rate the CPU at -20°C <= Absolute Maximum <= 85°C( 125°C were junction temperature will start to cause damage permanently ).. The CPU should make a emergency shutdown at around 85°C, so better operate lower..
For reliability, high temperatures are not good to maintain Continuously( Rockchip also make some provisions to that in the datasheet.. ), So I decided to take some precaution measures here, shutting down at 70°C, for the sake of reliability..
To use ATS: First, you need to install its depedencies..
apt-get install lua5.3 lua5.3-dev gcc make
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/lua lua /usr/bin/lua5.3 1
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/luac luac /usr/bin/luac5.3 1
apt-get install luarocks
Install Manually( method B.1,B.2, in 'Install' section bellow )
apt-get install lua5.3 lua5.3-dev gcc make
You can also add git, to download the code..
Several independent Options: Master, Release and Manual.
luarocks build https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tuxd3v/ats/master/ats-master-0.rockspec
luarocks build https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tuxd3v/ats/master/ats-0.2-0.rockspec
luarocks remove ats
make install
make purge
make remove
systemctl status ats
● ats.service - ATS - Active Thermal Service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ats.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-11-23 01:43:10 WET; 47s ago
Main PID: 21040 (lua)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4642)
CGroup: /system.slice/ats.service
└─21040 lua /usr/local/sbin/ats
Nov 23 01:43:10 rockpro64 systemd[1]: Started ATS - Active Thermal Service.
You can execute in test mode( to see state values, and configuration ), and also edit '/etc/ats.conf', to tune for your Cooling-System, or preferences..
service ats stop
ats -t
ats --test
service ats start
service ats status
Check which version you have installed:
ats -v
ats --version
ATS project, is been made availlable by me, has a way to have a active cooling tool, for Our SBCs..
If you want to help this project, consider a donation..
- Magi Address : 96H3wSX8e5sqJ1tHpXjhJrppKhsLQEWFMz
- Monero Address : 47gzrS7JU5E7tUF9YcdgXw68DhbJokuHTWKSr42LcmU4RTFFvCoU8W7NDjauef5kGQY5WRZXfoVWENutt3afKv9YDufEgJx
- AEON Address : WmtL2wph84vb5inWpMoXFucwBmDtF4BsLLjWvP4LEd435tvjpfcUTjegSXKnrT3FjATzo8X8ouSwVArooxmauniP2TLKCXQdc
- VertCoin Address: vtc1qmck0q88enwneha75cpfcys6eyst4rnsr8h2uk8
- Ryo Address : RYoKsxn7kT4DZVagVtmTuT5wwvrQ2f38pJ8AcE2jcUyogcNVFZ2syeN
- BitCoin Address : 1GuBhkustzsCLUbFhRLcppp9Pf4KW9TxXQ
- Ethereum Address: d468db56e89c883C4046D50A2261D5CE4dF4eFCD
ATS : tuxd3v
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