tuxedocomputers / tuxedo-control-center

A tool to help you control performance, energy, fan and comfort settings on TUXEDO laptops.
GNU General Public License v3.0
504 stars 67 forks source link

TUXEDO Control Center

The TUXEDO Control Center (short: TCC) gives TUXEDO laptop users full control over their hardware like CPU cores, fan speed and more. \ To get a more detailed description of features, plans and the ideas behind please check our press release (english | german) and info pages (english | german).

Using it

There are pre-build packages for Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04 as well as openSUSE Leap 15.x and Tumbleweed available at our repositories. For details please have a look over here.

Note: TCC depends on the tuxedo-io module from the tuxedo-keyboard package for some core functionality like fan control.

Project structure

|  README.md
|  |--ng-app            Angular GUI (aka electron renderer)
|  |--e-app             Electron main
|  |--service-app       Daemon part (Node 12)
|  |--common            Common shared sources
|  |  |--classes
|  |  |--models
|  |--dist-data         Data needed for packaging
|--build-src            Source used for building

Development setup

  1. Install git, gcc, g++, make, nodejs, npm and libudev-dev \ Ex (deb):

    curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt install -y git gcc g++ make nodejs libudev-dev
  2. Clone & install libraries

    git clone https://github.com/tuxedocomputers/tuxedo-control-center
    cd tuxedo-control-center
    npm install

    Note: Do not continue with npm audit fix. Known to cause various issues.

  3. Install service file that points to development build path (or use installed service from packaged version)

    Manual instructions:

    1. Copy tccd.service and tccd-sleep.service (from src/dist-data) to /etc/systemd/system/
    2. Edit the tccd.service (exec start/stop) to point to <dev path>/dist/tuxedo-control-center/data/service/tccd.
    3. Copy com.tuxedocomputers.tccd.conf to /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/
    4. Start service systemctl start tccd. (And enable for autostart systemctl enable tccd tccd-sleep)

NPM scripts

npm run <script-name>

Script name Description
build Build all apps service/electron/angular
start Normal start of electron app after build
start-watch Start GUI with automatic reload on changes to angular directory
test-common Test common files (jasmine)
gen-lang Generate base for translation (ng-app/assets/locale/lang.xlf)
pack-prod -- all | deb | rpm Build and package for chosen target(s)
inc-version-patch Patch version increase (updates package.json files)
inc-version-minor Minor version increase (updates package.json files)
inc-version-major Major version increase (updates package.json files)


Debugging of electron main and render process is configured for vscode in .vscode/launch.json



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