tuxity / betaseries-to-trakt

Import your Betaseries account's TV shows informations into your Trakt.tv account.
MIT License
13 stars 5 forks source link
betaseries python trakt-tv


Import your Betaseries account's TV shows informations into your Trakt.tv account.

MIT License

Getting Started


Go to your account advanced settings, and at almost the end of the page click on Exporter les séries → and Exporter les films →.

Keep the downloaded files nearby.

Go to Développer avec l'API', create an app (personnal use), and grap your "Clé API"


Go register a new api app. And fill the form with theses informations:

Name: betaseries-to-trakt
Redirect uri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob

You don't really care about the other fields.

Next, go to your api applications and click on the one named betaseries-to-trakt

You will need the Client ID and the Client Secret from that page.

Running the script

With Docker

docker pull tuxity/betaseries-to-trakt:latest
docker run -d --env BS_API_KEY=betaSeriesAPIKey CLIENT_ID=theclientID --env CLIENT_SECRET=theclientseccret tuxity/betaseries-to-trakt:latest

Without Docker

You will need python3

Launch the script like this:

BS_API_KEY=betaSeriesAPIKey CLIENT_ID=theclientID CLIENT_SECRET=theclientseccret python3 betaseries-to-trakt.py "~/Downloads/series-tuxity.csv" "~/Downloads/films-tuxity.csv"

On Windows, set the 3 environment keys with the command:

export BS_API_KEY=betaSeriesAPIKey
export CLIENT_ID=theclientID
export CLIENT_SECRET=theclientseccret

Follow the script instructions


What does the script do ?

TV Shows

// example

3764,"American Horror Story",1,S00E00,84,0,
// example

481,"Breaking Bad",1,S05E17,0,100,


There are 3 different statuses for a movie in Betaseries

// example

86075,"Shotgun Wedding",1,2023-10-18
13157,76757,"Jupiter : Le Destin de l'univers",2
92,49051,"Le Hobbit : Un voyage inattendu",0


betaseries-to-trakt is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.