tuya / tuya-connector

tuya-connector helps you efficiently create cloud development projects regarding the OpenAPI or message subscription capabilities. You can put all the focus on business logic without taking care of server-side programming nor relational databases.
Apache License 2.0
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connector iot openapi rest-api rest-client restful retrofit retrofit-starter retrofit2 retrofit2-starter tuya tuya-api tuya-cloud tuya-smart

English | 中文版

License: Apache 2 Version: 1.0.0

tuya-connector helps you efficiently create cloud development projects regarding the OpenAPI or message subscription capabilities. You can put all the focus on business logic without taking care of server-side programming nor relational databases.

demo vedio

Quick start

Integrate Spring Boot


<!-- Specify the Maven repository URL -->


# ClientId & SecretKey generated on the Tuya Cloud Development Platform

region configuration

# region configuration(default region is China if without configuration)
# more details, please check: com.tuya.connector.open.common.constant.TuyaRegion)


Call OpenAPI operations
  1. Create the Connector interface, which is the mapping class of OpenAPI.

    public interface DeviceConnector {
     * query device info by device_id
     * @param deviceId
     * @return
    Device getById(@Path("device_id") String deviceId);
  2. Set @ConnectorScan for the class of the Spring Boot application. You can set @EnableMessaging to enable the message subscription capability.

    Note: Since the connector SDK relies on the reflection mechanism, and starting from JDK 9, a modularization mechanism has been introduced. Therefore, when starting, you need to add the parameters --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED to avoid potential errors.

    @ConnectorScan(basePackages = "com.xxx.connectors")
    public class DemoApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
  3. The Connector interface will be scanned and injected into the Spring container.

    public class DeviceService {
    private DeviceConnector device;
    public Device getById(String deviceId) {
        return device.getById(deviceId);
Subscribe to message events
 * device status data report event
public void statusReportMessage(StatusReportMessage event) {
    log.info("### StatusReport event happened, eventInfo: {}", event);

How it works: implement extensions based on the connector framework.

Extension points of OpenAPI

You can define the implementation class of ErrorProcessor to handle different error responses. For example, if a token expires, it can be automatically refreshed. The API operation will be tried again with the refreshed token. TokenInvalidErrorProcessor is the built-in implementation class of ErrorProcessor.

The extended ErrorProcessor must be injected into the Spring container to take effect.

The connector framework supports TuyaContextManager on which the automatic token refreshing depends. TuyaContextManager can prepare the context before API operations, and manage information including data source connection, tokens, and multilingual text.

TuyaTokenManager is the default token management mechanism and implements the TokenManager interface in the connector framework. The token information is cached on the premises.

To manage the token on the premises, you can extend TokenManager and inject it into the Spring container.

TuyaHeaderProcessor implements the processing logic of the header for OpenAPI operations, including the required attribute values and signatures.

Extension points of messages

TuyaMessageDispatcher implements MessageDispatcher interface for message dispatching in the connector framework. The dispatcher features message ordering and data decryption. It allows you to create specific message types and publish messages based on Spring's event mechanism.

You can add ApplicationListener to listen for required events. The connector framework includes all the Tuya's message event types. The message data contains ciphertext messages and plaintext messages.

Message event BizCode Description
StatusReportMessage statusReport Report data to the cloud.
OnlineMessage online A device is online.
OfflineMessage offline A device is offline.
NameUpdateMessage nameUpdate Modify the device name.
DpNameUpdateMessage dpNameUpdate Modify the name of a data point.
DeleteMessage delete Remove a device.
BindUserMessage bindUser Bind the device to a user account.
UpgradeStatusMessage upgradeStatus The update status.
AutomationExternalActionMessage automationExternalAction Automate an external action.
SceneExecuteMessage sceneExecute Execute a scene.