tvarchive / optimusTemplate

This is a cucumber jvm implementation template using the optimus mobile automation framework. If you like it, star it, help spread the word.
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Question: Running tests parallel on both the platforms at the same time #50

Closed suhasini-Ravi closed 4 years ago

suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago

Hi Team,

Thank you for the framework which is currently running parallel on the iOS and Android independently.

My requirement is to run the tests parallel on both iOS and Android at the same tinme using a single testfeed.

Could you please let me know is this feature is available currently, and if available could you help me in achieving.

thenishant commented 4 years ago

Hey @suhasini-Ravi Running tests parallel on both the platforms at the same time via a single Testfeed is not supported as now.

You can only specify one type of Platform either Android or iOS within a single file.

suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago

Hi @thenishant

Thank you for your prompt response. Is there any chance to support for the feature in the next or future releases of Optimus.

thenishant commented 4 years ago

I don't think we have this in our roadmap at least for next release few releases, as this is directly dependent on appium. You cannot have two platformName key with multiple values. Maybe we will work on this.

suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago

Thank you...