tvarchive / optimusTemplate

This is a cucumber jvm implementation template using the optimus mobile automation framework. If you like it, star it, help spread the word.
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Optimus Template is the native framework for Optimus, designed to help you to get started with your tests in the swiftest time possible. Read more about Optimus on our wiki, for videos watch here


Getting started with Optimus

npm install -g optimus-cli
$ optimus doctor
$ optimus setup
$ optimus new <project_name>

Import Project


Optimus runs your tests in parallel by default. Just connect the devices you need coverage on and choose between one of the following modes to trigger your test run

  1. Fragmentation
  2. Distribution

Suppose you have 5 feature files in your project and 5 devices connected, now in
Fragmentation: All 5 features will run on all 5 devices.
Distributuion: one feature will run on one device.

Your new OptimusTemplate project gets created with a sample test for an example app HelloOptimus you can run your project as shown below.

Step 1: Connect devices(Android or IOs) or create an Android Emulator.

Step 2: Open your favourite terminal and navigate to the project folder.

Step 3: Check for Android Devices or Emulators by running

gradle runFragmentation -DtestFeed=HelloOptimusAndroid -Dtags=@helloOptimus

Note: You will see that HelloOptimus app is launched on all the connected Android Devices and emulators.

Step 4: Check for IOS by running

gradle runFragmentation -DtestFeed=HelloOptimusIOS -Dtags=@helloOptimus

Note: You will see that HelloOptimus app is launched on a IPhone6 Simulator.

First test

With optimus you can create tests either by creating custom steps or by using Generic Steps or a mix of both. You can learn more about the test which ran on your devices by following our Android Tutorial or IOS Tutorial

Below are a few sample projects leveraging the power of Optimus framework


Our FAQ covers most of the common issues. In case the issue you are facing is not available, you can reach out to us at