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Question: Elements mapping for both iOS and Android in the same project #53

Closed suhasini-Ravi closed 4 years ago

suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago

Hi team,

In my project, the application has both iOS and Android platforms, for the same app. Can you please let me know on how to have the elements JSON file for both iOS and android elements.

krishnanandb-rapido commented 4 years ago

For Optimus, the root context is app name so if your app names say app-android, and app-ios, then you can structure your elements as

suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago

Hey Krishna, Thank you for the reply... I have created the below json file under resources - >elements and named it as homescreen.json

{ "apps": [ { "app": "wmt_dev.ipa", "elements": [ { "name": "lo_payments_btn", "screen": "homescreen", "identifier": "id", "value": "fwo_header_label_action", "waitFor": "visibility" } ] },

  "app": "wmt_dev_unhardened.apk",
  "elements": [
      "name": "lo_payments_btn",
      "screen": "homescreen",
      "identifier": "id",
      "value": "i_rtl_action",
      "waitFor": "visibility"

] }

my feature file has the line > When Iam on homescreen screen taps on lo_payments_btn

when I run the script, it is throwing the below error.

com.testvagrant.stepdefs.exceptions.ElementsFolderNotFoundException: Cannot find elements folder for project banking-dev. Elements should be created under respective app folders.

When Iam on homescreen screen taps on lo_payments_btn # GenericSteps.consumerOnScreenPerformsActionOnElement(String,String,String,String) com.testvagrant.stepdefs.exceptions.ElementsFolderNotFoundException: Cannot find elements folder for project banking-dev. Elements should be created under respective app folders. at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.finder.ElementStore.getElementsFileRelativePath( at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.finder.ElementStore.getFileName( at at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.finder.OptimusElementFinder.getAppElement( at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.finder.OptimusElementFinder.findWebElement( at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.core.Tapster.serve( at steps.GenericSteps.consumerOnScreenPerformsActionOnElement( at ✽.Iam on homescreen screen taps on lo_payments_btn(/Order.feature:15)

krishnanandb-rapido commented 4 years ago

Hey, your JSON format is invalid. app is an invalid key in elements file. App name has to be a directory name as mentioned in the previous comment.

suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago

Hey, thanks again...

I changed the directory structure as mentioned above and also the json file which looks like below nd named it as homescreen.json

{ "elements": [ { "name": "lo_payments_btn", "screen": "homescreen", "identifier": "id", "value": "home_header_label_action", "waitFor": "visibility" } ] }

Getting the below error when i try to run.


  java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present
    at java.util.Optional.get(
    at utils.OptimusImpl.findBOTFor(
    at steps.BaseSteps.getSmartBOTBelongingTo(
    at steps.BaseSteps.getDriverInstanceFor(
    at steps.GenericSteps.consumerOnScreenPerformsActionOnElement(

The same is getting passed when I run it normally by using page factory and with the custom feature.

krishnanandb-rapido commented 4 years ago

Can you update the following file /src/test/resources/META-INF/Optimus.yaml. Default extension is elements please update it to json

suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago

Even after upadating the Optimus.yaml file, getting the same above issue.

Could you please help on this

krishnanandb-rapido commented 4 years ago

Sure, please share us below

  1. Feature file
  2. TestFeed
  3. Command you are running
suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago
  1. feature File

    @Order_feature Feature: General test cases for login page

    Background: Given I am on onaboarding screen And I click on Let's go on onboarding screen When I enter valid credentials And I click on sign in Then I should see the finance overview screen

    @Order_Create_order_LongReceiverName_AlertMessage Scenario: Created a order with long receiver name, an alert message is displayed

    When I click on transfer button

    When Iam on OverviewPage screen taps on lo_payments_btn

    my test is failing at the above step, this is the generic step i was created by using the elements in json format

  2. Test Feed

    { "executionDetails": { "appium_js_path": "/usr/local/bin/appium", "appium_node_path": "/usr/local/bin/node" }, "testFeed": [ { "belongsTo": "coreframework", "runsOn": "device", "appDir": "app", "nativeApp":true, "optimusDesiredCapabilities": { "appiumServerCapabilities": { "app": "wmt-Dev.ipa", "platformName": "iOS", "automationName": "XcuiTest" }, "iOSOnlyCapabilities": { "launchTimeout": 3000, "useNewWDA": false, "showXcodeLog": false, "clearSystemFiles": true } }, "deviceState": { "captureVideo": false } } ] }

  3. Command I ws running

    a) mongod b) ./gradlew runFragmentation -DtestFeed=CoreBDDiOSParallel -Dtags=@Order_feature

Kindly, let me know in need of any other info

krishnanandb-rapido commented 4 years ago

Looks like a configuration issue, suggest you go through this link for more details.

Coming to the current issue; In your step, you have mentioned it as When Iam on OverviewPage screen taps on lo_payments_btn, where Iam points to the appium driver which is the belongsTo field in your testfeed.

"testFeed": [
"belongsTo": "coreframework",

As there is a name mismatch Optimus cannot execute the step.

Solution: Change your belongsTo field to Iam or some meaningful name as per your domain and update your step accordingly.


"testFeed": [
"belongsTo": "user",


When user on OverviewPage screen taps on lo_payments_btn
suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago

Changed the belongsTo field and now getting the different error as below.

When user on OverviewPage screen tap on lo_payments_btn # GenericSteps.consumerOnScreenPerformsActionOnElement(String,String,String,String) java.lang.NullPointerException at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.finder.ElementStore.lambda$find$0( at$2$1.accept( at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.tryAdvance( at at at at at$FindOp.evaluateSequential( at at at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.finder.ElementStore.find( at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.finder.OptimusElementFinder.getAppElement( at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.finder.OptimusElementFinder.findWebElement( at com.testvagrant.stepdefs.core.Tapster.serve( at steps.GenericSteps.consumerOnScreenPerformsActionOnElement(

krishnanandb-rapido commented 4 years ago

this conversation is getting out of scope for this issue. You can join our slack group for any queries

happy to help

suhasini-Ravi commented 4 years ago

Closing the issue.

Thank you again for resolving the issue