tvarchive / optimusTemplate

This is a cucumber jvm implementation template using the optimus mobile automation framework. If you like it, star it, help spread the word.
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Enquiry: Integration with Jenkins #56

Open sarathsp23 opened 4 years ago

sarathsp23 commented 4 years ago

Hi , Can I integrate the project with Jenkins and have the reports generated and published for Jenkins or any CI/CD tool?

KrishnB commented 4 years ago

Yes you can, please use the gradle command in the yml file or job command ./gradlew runDistribution - DtestFeed=<yourtestfeedname> Reports will be generated in builds/reports/cucumber folder, which can be added as an artifact to the job.

sarathsp23 commented 4 years ago

The issue have been noticing is that (this is also for the local instance as well), if the Mongo db is not up and running , it is not able to start the mongo and the framework just gets stuck indefinitely.